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  1. sergio ramos


    Hey guys , its really nice to meet and have convo's with you !! :) I really appreciate it !! Canno i also heard that Aya can cure LOT of things .. and probably you are right about how .. ;) Never tried it tho , only freebase and changa .. I think it is a very serius step , and one day in...
  2. sergio ramos


    Look up the internet for DMT extractions .. its very easy to extract it by yourself .. Also if DMT is very short experience for you ,you can make CHANGA .. a smoking blend that contains DMT and HARMALA alkaloids .. CHANGA lasts about 10-15 minutes and more slow onset , while DMT freebase is like...
  3. sergio ramos

    My Greetings and a question

    Greetings everybody !!! Im new to this forum so , why not to say hello to the world ! :) Im planning to make a grow very soon and need some more experienced grower's advice. I had 3 grows till the moment and still learning for biggest success .. !! I will grow White Widow or Trainwreck from...