I've dropped acid about 2 times now and had a good experience, I've been looking to get some DMT but wondering how much of a step up it is from acid


Well-Known Member
oh dude..... dmt is most def stepping it up an notch...

it is super short though compared to lsd of course
but a million times more intense. literally.

i say go for it.


Well-Known Member
DMT isn't even 100 steps up, it's firmly straight through the atmosphere and into space. If you can get it, definitely get some, can't go wrong with some good DMT

sergio ramos

New Member
Look up the internet for DMT extractions .. its very easy to extract it by yourself .. Also if DMT is very short experience for you ,you can make CHANGA .. a smoking blend that contains DMT and HARMALA alkaloids .. CHANGA lasts about 10-15 minutes and more slow onset , while DMT freebase is like a bunjee jump in space (for me freebase lasts about 2 mins ) .. And IF Changa is another short experience for you ,then make Ayahuasca or Pharmahuasca .. but those things are deffinitely not for fun .. Because the experiences are very personal and spiritual ,always be prepaired and know what you want from that , because you will face EVERYTHING face to face ..
Take care and be well always people !!


Well-Known Member
Damn well put.

I just saw a headline by the way, that a component of Aya may cure diabetes. Interested, I read the article presuming that it must be alkaloid based with some weird qualities, maybe patients needed to endure running with jaguars or confrontation with their inner demons.

But the chemical in question is harmaline

I felt cheated. It really is not Aya, but it is, but it isn't, being that it stands on its own.


Well-Known Member
Look up the internet for DMT extractions .. its very easy to extract it by yourself .. Also if DMT is very short experience for you ,you can make CHANGA .. a smoking blend that contains DMT and HARMALA alkaloids .. CHANGA lasts about 10-15 minutes and more slow onset , while DMT freebase is like a bunjee jump in space (for me freebase lasts about 2 mins ) .. And IF Changa is another short experience for you ,then make Ayahuasca or Pharmahuasca .. but those things are deffinitely not for fun .. Because the experiences are very personal and spiritual ,always be prepaired and know what you want from that , because you will face EVERYTHING face to face ..
Take care and be well always people !!
That's why I kinda prefer dmt made from acacia confusa seems to last longer than mimosa,I think it's the nmt but I would trip for like 15-20 min...also that your KR1? Nice lookin bike, I been lookin for a gsxr 600 to replace my ninja

sergio ramos

New Member
Hey guys , its really nice to meet and have convo's with you !! :) I really appreciate it !!

Canno i also heard that Aya can cure LOT of things .. and probably you are right about how .. ;) Never tried it tho , only freebase and changa .. I think it is a very serius step , and one day in totally right environment i will say , why not .. hehe

Bublonichronic , once my Jurema stock is over i will deffo try Acacia for my extractions .. and yes .. it's a KR1S .. i totally love 2 strokes lol .. <3 And i see you know of bikes , thats awesome !! :) Also i can see some nice cacti on your pic , right now i have some peyote seedling growing .. will put more later , and maybe a few Pachanoi's and Peruvian torch's .. Im ready to wait 10 years for them to fully mature hehe ..

Peace love and light to you guys !!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Nah i don't known much bout bikes i just know I love doin a buck 20 on the freeway:eyesmoke:,love the sound/smell of the 2strokes tho.. but you should post ur yotes I don't really have the patients to grow em that's why I like the Pedro they grow pretty quick and don't require much


Well-Known Member
One thing I will add about aya make sure you or anyone using it is not on any SNRI's or SSRI's (anti-depressants) the combination can be fatal


Well-Known Member
Hey guys , its really nice to meet and have convo's with you !! :) I really appreciate it !!

Canno i also heard that Aya can cure LOT of things .. and probably you are right about how .. ;) Never tried it tho , only freebase and changa .. I think it is a very serius step , and one day in totally right environment i will say , why not .. hehe

Bublonichronic , once my Jurema stock is over i will deffo try Acacia for my extractions .. and yes .. it's a KR1S .. i totally love 2 strokes lol .. <3 And i see you know of bikes , thats awesome !! :) Also i can see some nice cacti on your pic , right now i have some peyote seedling growing .. will put more later , and maybe a few Pachanoi's and Peruvian torch's .. Im ready to wait 10 years for them to fully mature hehe ..

Peace love and light to you guys !!!!!!!

You dont have to wait ten years, you can graft instead, maybe three or four.


I've always wanted to try DMT myself. Have tripped on LSD well over 50 times and done 2cb, 25i and all those other rc's but my real question about DMT is
do you really see aliens? like can someone explain that to me, I heard you meet creatures of some sort
OH and what about elves? LMAO


Well-Known Member
I really wouldn't say elves. But entities, spirits, weird creatures for sure. Had one trip on n-dmt that was exactly how people describe being abducted by aliens. Ended up on the operating/observation table being surrounded by them.. Just no bum probe thankfully :)


Well-Known Member
In my opinion dmt makes LSD look like childs play. I never really had to premeditate doing L but I will say every time I used to do deems I meditated prior and prayed to God to have mercy on my soul, for real.
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