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  1. Ol' Scrumpy

    I have never really messed around with topping plants, but I have seen some nice results. I...

    I have never really messed around with topping plants, but I have seen some nice results. I like to just let them do their thing.
  2. Ol' Scrumpy

    Looks like they are just too hot. Got a thermometer in there with the plants? If so then hang it...

    Looks like they are just too hot. Got a thermometer in there with the plants? If so then hang it even with the top of all the plants for a few minutes and see what the temp reads. Some strains don't handle high temps too well and will wilt like that. If you find the temps are too high then try...
  3. Ol' Scrumpy

    Kind of hard to say. If there is any way you could post some pictures that would help. When you...

    Kind of hard to say. If there is any way you could post some pictures that would help. When you say the new growth is skinny, do you mean the leaves are cupping?
  4. Ol' Scrumpy

    The donkey show

    I've been getting rain every day for about a week. Rain is all good and everything, but some sun would be nice too :(
  5. Ol' Scrumpy

    thizz13's stealth dwc!!!!

    I don't know about the weather there as far as transplanting, but if you're going to put it outside you might want to lengthen the light cycle to 16 or 18 hours. You're going to damage the roots pulling them out of the net pot too.
  6. Ol' Scrumpy

    My first outdoor grow - White Rhino x ??

    The fan leaf that I tested the homemade bug spray didn't look so well, so I decided against using it. In fact, I decided against using anything at all. The damage the bugs are doing is superficial, and there just isn't really that much. Mostly just the very lower leaves. Growth is looking good...
  7. Ol' Scrumpy

    East Coast Guerilla Monster Attempt 2010

    20 or 30 yards isnt bad at all. You could always just dig a trench to bring the stream to you :) ......thats a lot of work though if you do it right. Personally I'd rather spend a day digging a trench than a season hauling water, bt thats just me.
  8. Ol' Scrumpy

    East Coast Guerilla Monster Attempt 2010

    Thats a really nice spot you have there. I'm jealous!
  9. Ol' Scrumpy

    NeL's 5 strain 1200 watt Grow

    wait wait wait...your pp smells like blueberries??? hahaha
  10. Ol' Scrumpy

    HELP ASAP: bug are eating my shit- pic included

    I'm testing out a homemade spray as we speak. I sprayed it on one leaf yesterday. I'll go check on it tomorrow. Ill let you know and leave the recipe if its all good. I know it will keep bugs away, but I don't know if it will harm the plant or not.
  11. Ol' Scrumpy

    The donkey show

    EVERY summer is a bastard where I'm at haha
  12. Ol' Scrumpy

    My first outdoor grow - White Rhino x ??

    After mixing this shit up and spraying a little of it, I have no doubt it will work. Its fucking horrible smelling! I have to go back tomorrow to see how the plant handled the spray. If it did OK I'll spray the whole thing and everything around it too. Thanks. I also cut a clone that I'm...
  13. Ol' Scrumpy

    Anybody Want To Double Their Yield?- Desertrat's Top and Prune?

    Looks like a classic case of education blinding the eyes that are attached to a bright mind. One time they lectured in universities about the world being flat, now we have photos that prove otherwise, but I suppose someone still argues that it is... IMHO, sometimes we need to stop and look...
  14. Ol' Scrumpy

    NeL's guerilla grow 2010

    You should read the thread...
  15. Ol' Scrumpy

    Laceygirls 2000Watt Super Lemon Haze Grow...

    Those are the first SLH I have seen that I like. Now I want to grow it... THANKS A LOT!
  16. Ol' Scrumpy

    My first outdoor grow - White Rhino x ??

    Agreed. I try to keep that in mind, so I go out to water first thing, before the sun comes up from behind the trees. That way, if I have to spray anything I don't have to worry about making another trip to do it. I flexed on this rule with my last application of neem oil, and I believe the...
  17. Ol' Scrumpy

    NeL's guerilla grow 2010

    When you get it in a bail it's usually compressed. This stuff isn't. A bag only filled 2 and then most of a third 5gal bucket. It's all good. I'll find something to grow in it. I grow other stuff too, so I'm sure it will get used...I like tomatoes. Been wanting to grow some herbs too (the kind...
  18. Ol' Scrumpy

    NeL's guerilla grow 2010

    I didn't plan on buying anything, but I couldn't let them get away with that mistake! Especially when I'm broke and wanting to grow some shit. I think 12 bags might have been a bit overkill though... My mom knows what I do...Shes the one who posted my bond a few years back! hahaha I don't do it...
  19. Ol' Scrumpy

    NeL's 5 strain 1200 watt Grow

    That is one DANK looking bud. The color of it just kind of says "I'm going to %&@$ you up, son!"