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  1. Ol' Scrumpy

    thizz13's stealth dwc!!!!

    Looks cool, but I have to ask...Whats up with the sock?
  2. Ol' Scrumpy

    Cali outdoor SLHaze, Bubba Kush, AK-47, and Red Dragon.

    Oh. I was looking at some a few weeks ago that claimed to separate everything better than the bags. I call bullshit on those things! I thought that was what you were talking about. There's no way I would trust a machine to do that for me...I love my hash way too much.
  3. Ol' Scrumpy

    Laceygirls 2000Watt Super Lemon Haze Grow...

    If you look hard enough in jail you can find plenty of shit to get a buzz on. I once knew a guy in jail who managed to have a nice little day trip from something he concocted using a douche and some bread... read that right.. a douche...
  4. Ol' Scrumpy

    Cali outdoor SLHaze, Bubba Kush, AK-47, and Red Dragon.

    I Think I'll stick to my 5 piece bubble bag set and do the shit the good ol' way. My bags will last forever as long as I take care of them. How long will those made in Indonesia piece of shit motor parts last?
  5. Ol' Scrumpy

    In regard to your question on Thinksaymakedo's thread about sexing plants before they flower...

    In regard to your question on Thinksaymakedo's thread about sexing plants before they flower: Your best bet would be to just keep them close until they start to show sex. They will show long before they start to flower. You will be able to tell your males (which usually show sex earlier than...
  6. Ol' Scrumpy

    East Coast Guerilla Monster Attempt 2010

    I got the same thing once I got mine in the ground. The sun really does a much better job than anything you can use indoors. It really is amazing to someone who has grown a plant indoors only and then sees the results of outdoor growing for the first time. It's a whole new experience.
  7. Ol' Scrumpy

    Need some help with outdoor cloning

    I wish I could, but alas, I can't have plants in the house :(. I might try one like that just to see what happens. I'm not worried about how long it takes to get good roots. I have about 3 months left to veg where I'm at.
  8. Ol' Scrumpy

    Need some help with outdoor cloning

    I have just started my first outdoor grow, and was wondering if anyone might have some tips (i.e. "must do's" or "must not do's") for starting clones outside. I have been thinking a lot about it, and I'm thinking I will make a trip to the hardware store to grab some materials to make a mini...
  9. Ol' Scrumpy

    East Coast Guerilla Monster Attempt 2010

    I don't know man...They get pretty good sized. You ever seen the claws on one? They have some BIG ass claws, and they use them like we use our hands. It's pretty crazy. I had one as a pet when I was a kid. If you gave him something to eat, like a piece of fruit or something, he would go to his...
  10. Ol' Scrumpy

    Home Made Co2 Tutorial

    The easiest way to do this is to scale it up a to a 5gal bucket, and use tubing to run from the top of the bucket, running all the way around the canopy of your plants. You want to cap off one end however you can, and poke very small holes in the tubes. Also, you will need to be sure...
  11. Ol' Scrumpy

    My first outdoor grow - White Rhino x ??

    I've been thinking... I want to take some clones off this plant in a couple weeks, just in case it turns out to be true White Rhino, not a mutt like I was thinking. The problem is this: I no longer have any lights for starting clones, so I would have to do it outdoors. Any suggestions on how to...
  12. Ol' Scrumpy

    my raised beds,new pics,painted

    I'm impressed. You have done a lot of work. Looks like its going to pay off big time though. Everything looks great. Keep up the good work!
  13. Ol' Scrumpy

    East Coast Guerilla Monster Attempt 2010

    Your plants look great! Tough break on the broken one, but at least it didn't get eaten by something. It still looks good too! Raccoons are curious little bastards...Its been to my experience (not in growing, but in general) that they will come checking out shit thats out of the ordinary, where...
  14. Ol' Scrumpy

    Cali outdoor SLHaze, Bubba Kush, AK-47, and Red Dragon.

    I hate the humid subtropic climate that I live in, but now that I have a plant outdoors I can appreciate it for the first time after reading what you guys are going through! I could have had them out in March, but I didn't decide to grow anything till April.
  15. Ol' Scrumpy

    Laceygirls 2000Watt Super Lemon Haze Grow...

    I've heard of lots of people getting busted because of their power bills. I would shit a brick if I had to pay a $900 power bill. Even when I ran four 600 watt lights my power bill was only 600 to 700. One of the great things about growing this particular plant is the fact that its remarkably...
  16. Ol' Scrumpy

    Cali outdoor SLHaze, Bubba Kush, AK-47, and Red Dragon.

    A couple of years ago when all the LED hype started I saw a lot of mixed reviews so I decided to try it out. I started with 2 of the 90 watt UFO lights over two plants. It took them FOREVER to grow. I ended up throwing a 2 tube fluoro in to speed things up and in the end the buds were just not...
  17. Ol' Scrumpy

    My first outdoor grow - White Rhino x ??

    Looks droopy because I had just sprayed the neem on. Things looked better today. None of those curled leaves or anything like that. I also noticed that I'm not seeing any more leaves yellowing. She seems to be growing a lot faster as well. The bare side (from when I had it trained sideways) has...
  18. Ol' Scrumpy

    My first outdoor grow - White Rhino x ??

    I added my own soilless mix, I just covered it with some of the native sand to keep gnats from invading. I hear they like blood meal. That is all described in earlier posts.
  19. Ol' Scrumpy

    My first outdoor grow - White Rhino x ??

    Advice from someone who obviously knows what hes doing when I clearly do not is always welcome. As for the seeds...I don't know man, you could be right, but I harvested and smoked all that bud myself last year. If there were pollen sacks I would have had to see them. And only six seeds? I'm...
  20. Ol' Scrumpy

    2nd grow, Nirvana Bubblelicious closet scrog

    Next time you take pics can we get you to hold something up next to the plants for scale? Like a ruler or a dollar bill or something. I can't tell how big those plants are at all.