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  1. G

    2014 outdoor grow

    Last year was brutal - I would suggest some type of protection even if it only protects it from some of the rain
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    2014 outdoor grow

    Ok fellas whats going on - this will be my second outdoor medicinal grow this year - brief rundown of last years - I ran Blue Dream, Liberty Haze, Critical Kush and Pineapple Skunk in 17-22 gallon totes ...drilled large holes in the bottom and allowed roots to grow through to the soil. Overall...
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    Anybody know anyplace to get a lot of soil? I'm looking at 85 cubic feets worth - so far my best option is looking like buying peat moss for 10$ per 3 cubit feet... About 300 bucks total .. And adding in lime, blood and bone meal and perlite anybody have any better options?
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    Caterpillar Poop Falling From The Sky - Pics

    I feel like the BT won't do me an good because there are no worms.. It's literally shit falling from the tree above... I'm going to buy a couple more cans of compressed air and take my time with each bud - wont be able to get it all but I can do my best .. I hung greenhouse plastic so it will no...
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    Caterpillar Poop Falling From The Sky - Pics

    There is a birch tree being eaten alive by what im assuming is thousands of caterpillars and worms and there shit is falling oh so gracefully right into my plants. I put a greenhouse tarp over it now and you can hear the shit pellets raining down. But my concern now is that there are buds with...
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    8 foot monsters in the sun: Looks like an Octopus after Rain and wind

    Im not new to outdoor growing but I have never had plants this big before - Basically hard rain and wind all night and day and when i went to check on the plants....the tallest of branches was inches from the ground. None of the stems are broken just leaning nearly parallel to the ground and the...
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    Pre-Flowering? oh no!

    I appreciate the quick reply! it kind of freaked me out because its not in direct sun all day so i thought maybe it was thinking its in a 12/12. Its in the shade untill about 9am and it isnt dark until 8:30ish. The pictures dont really do it justice - im familiar with a plant showing signs of...
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    Pre-Flowering? oh no!

    So I had this Pineapple Skunk vegging indoors and decided what the hell ill put it outside. its been outside for about a month so around April 20th. She is in a 22 gallon bin and its growing great. I didn't even notice she was having some flowers..or what im assuming is pre-flowers until i went...
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    Overwatering? or Phos Deficiency?

    So i have been running into this issue we my latest girls Promix BX soil straight distilled water for the first 2 weeks...1/8 strength nutes the last water Now the larger plant in pic one is much older than the babies but the issues seen with it started the same way. its like a soggy browned...
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    Flowering - What To Do?

    Also my ph runoff is about 6.2 - 6.3 .... A little low but nothing serious
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    Flowering - What To Do?

    Well it's an auto so it's about 6 weeks old - about 1 or 2 weeks into flowering - I'm using promix BX for soil - I have been feeding the micro,grow,bloom every feeding .. And I believe the grow is mostly nitrogen - I have Calimagic but haven't been using it because I was under the impression...
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    Flowering - What To Do?

    So this is my Pineapple Express Auto G13 Labs and my first auto. I am using advanced nutrients grow, bloom, micro and flowering additives big bud and bud candy. Now im slightly confused as to what to do here. I understand that autos are sometimes more sensitive to nutrients and may require lower...
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    Is This Even A Marijuana Plant?! B.F. Tangerine Dream

    haha I am telling youuuu...i planted 3 seeds that i got from attitude that day..Pineapple Express, Kandy Kush and what i thought was Tangerine Dream. I do not own any seeds or plants for that matter. I used Roots Organics soil, just as I did the other two strains. The other two are cannabis...
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    Is This Even A Marijuana Plant?! B.F. Tangerine Dream

    I went to Attitiudes website...clicked on Barney's Farm...Clicked on Tangerine Dream...ordered..not sure if that answers your question or not
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    Is This Even A Marijuana Plant?! B.F. Tangerine Dream

    Im wondering if Attitude will even acknowledge it if I send an email considering I'm technically not supposed to germinate in the first place
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    Is This Even A Marijuana Plant?! B.F. Tangerine Dream

    I'm 100 percent positive I planted the seed that came in the package! haha well then..I want to know what the hell kind of a plant I got. WTF lol and yes the seed looked just like any other MJ seed
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    Is This Even A Marijuana Plant?! B.F. Tangerine Dream

    So I ordered some seeds from Attitude a while back - just got a couple germinated and have them going for about 2 weeks now. But what was labeled as Barney's Farm Tangerine Dream looks nothing like the other, or a cannabis plant at all. Not only did I get dual shoots from one seed..but the...
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    Nute Burn???? or Nute a Def???? multiple pics

    Temperature is pretty steady between 68-72 F ..humidity fluctuates some but usually stays between 30 and 40 I appreciate the fast response!
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    Nute Burn???? or Nute a Def???? multiple pics

    I been trying figure out what the issue is for quite some time now.... I think I may have given too many nutrients in the beginning...but I also think there is a Ph problem with the soil..runoff is typically in the low 5's...been trying to correct by adding some lime and a higher ph of water...
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    If Its Not One Thing..Its Another: Help Diagnosis

    much appreciated! i was unsure if I should flush because it causes more stress - should I continue foliar feeding with nutes? and also is there any worries with the stem turning white? the growth has been so slow lately but I think that was caused by the thrips - never knew it would be so much...