Flowering - What To Do?



So this is my Pineapple Express Auto G13 Labs and my first auto. I am using advanced nutrients grow, bloom, micro and flowering additives big bud and bud candy. Now im slightly confused as to what to do here. I understand that autos are sometimes more sensitive to nutrients and may require lower doses. So the other day i noticed some fading green and hit her with barely stronger nutes.. it was my assumption that it was a Nitrogen deficiency ( not sure if i am wrong in that? you tell me...) but i also started to notice tips burning..so i flushed today..but my fear is that the nitrogen deficiency will get worse

id love to know your input thanks


Well-Known Member
How far into flower? How's your medium?. It's common for plants to run out of N during flowering. I feed it right to the last couple weeks.


Well-Known Member
I noticed you are in soil, and common in these grows is calcium or magnesium or both being deficient. I don't think it is nitro, but a soil test kit is the best way to tell. They are on Amazon for about $20. Check you PH, as that might be an issue also. The bud looks good though. Good luck and peace


Well it's an auto so it's about 6 weeks old - about 1 or 2 weeks into flowering - I'm using promix BX for soil - I have been feeding the micro,grow,bloom every feeding .. And I believe the grow is mostly nitrogen - I have Calimagic but haven't been using it because I was under the impression the AN line would cover it .. I'm more concerned now that I flushed her and she will be without any nutrients until she is dry which will be about 4 or 5 days. Should I mix up some food with a little Calimagic and 1/4 strength nutes and feed her even though the soil isn't dry ?


Active Member
I think the AN line skips calcium and mag heavy since i have had nothing but problems with it using sensei nutes. I would go ahead and use that calmagic bro because from what i hear you need to have a lot of it in the soil to harm the plant. Also raise your ph because its what is most likely locking out the cal/mag in your plant.


Active Member
Yeah im thinking magnesium, I believe nitrogen def is much more even over the surface of the leaf, and magnesium leaves green veins, which is what yours seems to have.