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  1. C

    I am making a plea for all newbies

    All prepaid cards have batch tracking numbers that trace back to the store they were issued to. The registers that you purchase the card from records the time and date the card was purchased. That is then matched to digital video surveillance that is required in some states and counties to be...
  2. C

    I am making a plea for all newbies

    I was just giving neno a reallity check.
  3. C


    Use the 125 watt cfl for Seedlings & Clones to get them established and to keep mother plants alive if your going to go the clone route. Once your seedlings have there second set of true leaves put them under the 400 watt halide for 16 hours on and 8 hours off. For clones put them under the 400...
  4. C

    I am making a plea for all newbies

    Any and all electronic purchases are traceable. They only way to insure that your purchasers are anonymous is to pay in cash. And even that is traceable to some extent in stores that have cameras. As far as using an address that is not yours thats only going to work if the seller doesn't...
  5. C

    I am making a plea for all newbies

    Plain Potting Soil, Peat Moss & Perlite Mix to a light fluffy consistency. Raise PH with lime if needed. And place mothballs on top of soil around plant to help with smell when plants git bigger and to keep critters at bay. A newbs biggest mistake is to over complicate the whole process.
  6. C

    whats wrong with my tomatoes

    Root bound and there rotting from the roots being to wet.
  7. C

    spider mites vs. strawberries

    Keep in mind you need to move strawberries to a different soil location every 2 years or you will start to run into quality issues.
  8. C

    Verizon FIOS

    I personal would never put my self in a situation were i couldn't break my whole operation down in 10 min. Your freedom just is not worth it.
  9. C

    Verizon FIOS

    I work for the cable company and we are told that its none of our business what happens on the home owners property. And to just do our job and get to the next job as quick as possible.