
mark pearce

Well-Known Member
hi any1 got tips 4 seedlings my setup is 400w mh,a fan,soil,rapid rooters,rockwool starter plugs,humidity just germin them in moist paper towels now


Well-Known Member
hi any1 got tips 4 seedlings my setup is 400w mh,a fan,soil,rapid rooters,rockwool starter plugs,humidity just germin them in moist paper towels now
got any CFLS? i would not put the seedlings under the 400 watt halide unless you have done it before. Seedlings are delicate and will fizzle out quickly......why are you using rapid rooters & rockwool? look man, i germ all my seeds in a window in a pot of soil....when they grow, i transplant them in a cup of soil.....i use 400 halide too BUT i use T5 lights to VEG......i think i remember you had seeds before right?



Well-Known Member
If you have them in moist paper towels and you wait for the rootlet to stick out alittle put them straight into the soil. Do not use a humidity Dome. Man than can keep them to wet. I lost 5 seeds to a freaking humidity dome. I know only do paper towel/soil.
\ Don't stick them straight into rockwool, they might just heave themselfs out.
Use rapid rooter plugs instead of rock wool, but keep it moist not wet, just spray with water. NOT water the plug.
Once they pop up keep them 2-3 feet away from bulb and to the side, not under.


New Member
is that real watts or equivalent, but a cfl is probably safer to start sprouts off in, just make sure its close to them. you could use the mh just make sure its like 2 feet away to start off with or possibly more just make sure its not drying them out and putting up the room temp too high.

edit: i personally just use my 400 hps to start them off but it is a bit over the top as i don't think little sprouts can even absorb that much, maybe they can though? its just easier for me, just make sure temps are right and its not too intense


Use the 125 watt cfl for Seedlings & Clones to get them established and to keep mother plants alive if your going to go the clone route.
Once your seedlings have there second set of true leaves put them under the 400 watt halide for 16 hours on and 8 hours off.
For clones put them under the 400 watt halide for 16 on and 8 off once they have established roots you know when they have by giving them a gentle tug and there is some ristence.

Depending on the size of pot your going to use will determine when to start flowering them and thats 12 hours on 12 hours off.

If using say a 2 gallon pot then start flowering at 18 inches because once you flower there going to grow another foot. The general rule of thumb is one gallon for ever foot of height.


Well-Known Member
I personaly never use humidity domes on seedling there is no need they all ready have a root system.but i would advice putting the seedling under less intence lighting for a couple of weeks.i would still mist the plants with superthrive[godsend]once the first leaves appear then bang them into the room with the mh light.if they start to droop then put them back under the other lights and put them back under the mh the day after for a little longer this may sound odd but it will harden the seedling off.

mark pearce

Well-Known Member
cheers temps about 80 hum 40 this ok shud i keep mistin the leaves so they dont dry from the mh lite?,this is my 2nd attempt the 1st shrivelled and died.