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  1. AC20

    Noob looking for critique on grow room set up

    Great set-up.. very low key.
  2. AC20

    My first grow

    about 2 weeks into 12/12 you should be able to tell the difference -- sometimes longer sometimes shorter, just be patient.
  3. AC20

    attention all you experts, does it look ok?

    Looks good to me!
  4. AC20

    If someone broke in and found your grow?

    Move, plain and simple.
  5. AC20

    redondo beach plant theif

    The nails sound like a pretty solid idea. Although the fishhooks idea is gold. I would use the fishhooks.
  6. AC20

    First Grow White Widow Week 1 of Flowering

    Yes one fem for sure out of the 3 I have left!! The second smaller one looked like it might be developing balls (eeeeeek!) but I'm being patient before I make a ruling. I'm mainly hoping the other larger plant will turn out to be a female because she will truly be quite the sight after a few...
  7. AC20

    First Grow White Widow Week 1 of Flowering

    Just I.D'd one female and one male.. trouble is one of the big ones was a male :( :( whatever, he had a quick execution.
  8. AC20

    First Grow White Widow Week 1 of Flowering

    Ehh whatever sounds cooler is fine with me ;)
  9. AC20

    First Grow White Widow Week 1 of Flowering

    It was labelled as White Widow Buddha, not sure if that helps? -- and it was grown from seed roughly 5 weeks old, 4 weeks spent Vegging.
  10. AC20

    First Grow White Widow Week 1 of Flowering

    :joint: How are they looking right now? the two front ones stand about 8-10 inches while the two at the back 12-14. I'm feeling pretty excited.:roll:
  11. AC20

    White Widow Buddha Week 2 - First grow.

    My they grow fast!! I'm using a 400W MH for now switching to HPS for flower. I also have a 6400 k fluro in the mix. :blsmoke: There are a total of 4 plants and I have begun feeding them Organic EJ which is a 2-1-1 fert. Please can I get your opinions, I'm putting in a lot of effort for my first...
  12. AC20

    4 plants from seed experiment

    Great setup so far, my plants are around the same stage as yours so I will def keep updated. Let me know how the cooltube works as I might have to implement the same system in my room. :blsmoke: Cheers,
  13. AC20

    My (small) White Widow Buddha grow! (pics)

    Alright so now that we are off and running!!! :joint::hump: I'll try to keep this as updated as possible.. This is a good way to keep a journal for my own personal reasons as well as let you guys in on some of it as well. A little more background on myself... I'm a first time newbie...
  14. AC20

    sensi's attempt at a journal. 3 room multi strain perpetual grow

    Shit man -- seems like so much to manage but your doing a sweet job so far, some plants look like fuckin trees!! grow on man lol
  15. AC20

    Help a dude out

    Save yourself some trouble, and get a good soilless medium like Promix. But judging by what you got there you need better lights+soil. Try checking out some other member's grows to see what a good "grow" looks like. And go from there.
  16. AC20

    My (small) White Widow Buddha grow! (pics)

    Alright, well I got these 5 seeds from a legitimate source, who claims they are a good yeilder, and I've always wanted to try White Widow so here we go! Plants we're sprouted from seed -- using 400W digital ballast w/ MH Light for Veg, switiching to HPS for Flower. Yes they are still tiny...