My (small) White Widow Buddha grow! (pics)


Alright, well I got these 5 seeds from a legitimate source, who claims they are a good yeilder, and I've always wanted to try White Widow so here we go! Plants we're sprouted from seed -- using 400W digital ballast w/ MH Light for Veg, switiching to HPS for Flower.

Yes they are still tiny! but not for long... I will keep ya'll updated, the fifth seed is still germinating p.s. :-(



Well-Known Member
welcome to rollitup :D WW is a good strain for beginners, keep them watered regularly and keep lots of light on them. they will thank you for it


Alright so now that we are off and running!!! :joint::hump:

I'll try to keep this as updated as possible.. This is a good way to keep a journal for my own personal reasons as well as let you guys in on some of it as well.

A little more background on myself...

I'm a first time newbie grower, but unlike many of the newbies here it seems, I did my homework!! (who said good work habits can't be formed later in life?). I'm not expecting the world from my first grow, but its not like I'm here to fail either. My setup is something similar to a 4x4 closet for now. There is a ton of great info here so there is no reason why it can't turn out good! :blsmoke:

Alright back to business..

We're down to four plants already, the fifth seed I had germinating, suffice to say, did not sprout a tap root. Arrrrghhh. Whatever..:joint: the way I see it as long as I get one female out of the four I'll be happy.

Its been roughly 10 days since the whole germination process went underway. The plants are doing good under the light I got (400W MH) and the 8 inch pots I have them in now should be alright until they are big enough to sex. I plan on doing the sexing when the plants are around 8 inches tall -- (I know it might be a waste of two weeks as per other ways, but hey I got time) and transplanting them to about 2 or 3 gallons when I determine which ones are my girls.

I'm selecting nutes tommorow -- and I'm actually trying to decide between Root Excelurator and using a product with trichoderma fungi (based on affordability?????) If anyone could give some input that would be great.

So well, here are the pictures! just 4 for now.

