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  1. BlueLed

    Over/underwatered plant. (pics)

    The plants were NOT overwatered. They were UNDERwatered. Watering with 1/4 nutes solved the problem right away :)
  2. BlueLed

    Over/underwatered plant. (pics)

    Under/overwatered? SHOULD I WATER THEM? thanks :)
  3. BlueLed

    Over/underwatered plant. (pics)

    They have never been been fertilised. The fan is on them 24/7 The soil isn't even that moist, its almost dry. here is a pic:
  4. BlueLed

    Over/underwatered plant. (pics)

    i did a lift and the soil wasnt even that moist... this is how they look right now, i repotted them with new and dry soil.
  5. BlueLed

    Over/underwatered plant. (pics)

    hi! The plant was watered a couple of days ago. I've seen in declining ever since. The earth is not soggy, its a little bit moist about 6cm down though (18cm total) i removed the top layer of soil to help it dry. should i just wait??
  6. BlueLed

    budget cabinet led grow

    Good luck with the sprouting :D
  7. BlueLed

    First Grow. White Widow LED/CFL smart stealth (pictures)

    Freebie Topped This plant seems a little droopy? the container was bone-dry about 3 inches down so i watered, but it still wont improve, strange!
  8. BlueLed

    First Grow. White Widow LED/CFL smart stealth (pictures)

    3 x 3watt and 3 x1watt (using 2 of these boards) 12 x 3watt (using 2 of these boards)
  9. BlueLed

    First Grow. White Widow LED/CFL smart stealth (pictures)

    White widow #2, approx 3 weeks (Not flowering) Freebie, approx 4 weeks. (2 days flowering) Freebie Freebie, topped 1 week ago.
  10. BlueLed

    First Grow. White Widow LED/CFL smart stealth (pictures)

    White widow #1, approx 1 week. White widow #1, approx 3 weeks.
  11. BlueLed

    First Grow. White Widow LED/CFL smart stealth (pictures)

    Hi! FEEL FREE TO COMMENT :) Im currently building myself a stealth-station. The grow-station will also act as a working area for soldering/other tinkering. (as it is located in the workshop in the house) this growlogs tomatoes: White widow feminized x 2 (from seed) 1x freebie ( from seed )...