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  1. K

    over nutin whilst in flower

    ok so i sligtly over fed my plant noticed a few of the lower leaves went dry and brittle so chopped a few off any how left her awhile just watered her and gave her a flush as thought it may be time to do one, and every thin seemed ok then my fella decided to feed her on some bio bizz bloom we...
  2. K


    i kno what u mean i was paranoid at first live near an army base and kept hearin the sound of a helicopter flyin over atleast every day until spotted it an it was only jus an army coppter. bout two weeks ago had a police coppter fly ova an no knock on the door or site of it since, i think ud hav...
  3. K

    Pest Leave Or Treat

    yea is indoors have seen signs of it bein munched durin day often turn plant round which done early morn and no holes on that side came home while later and found hole on fan leaf. thats why thought it may be somethin that would be seen by the nake eye as hole was noticably sized !!
  4. K

    Pest Leave Or Treat

    heya grow goin really well noticed tho bout two weeks ago a little hole in one of my fan leaves and have gainned couple more since, nothin major what eva it is doesnt seem to be livin on plant also noticed edges have been munched off nothin major talkin like 6 or so leaves of around goodness...
  5. K

    Vegetation Flower

    p.s was 80 quid for lamp with ballast and reflector
  6. K

    Vegetation Flower

    iv got 250w high powered sodium lamp cost me 80 quid fom hrponics shop or can get 450w for not much more however iv got small growin space and on a hot day can reach ocer 30 c in my grow room on most days tho roughly reaches 29 max so they can be a heatin problem but iv had no probs with my grow...
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    Vegetation Flower

    iv read mainly that bigger plants will yeild slightly more best to wait till it reaches 20 inches in height
  8. K

    pests leave or treat?

    heya grow goin really well noticed tho bout two weeks ago a little hole in one of my fan leaves and have gainned couple more since, nothin major what eva it is doesnt seem to be livin on plant also noticed edges have been munched off nothin major talkin like 6 or so leaves of around goodness...
  9. K

    Leaves Rolling Under Themselves

    yea or could be that let her dry completely then water as normal if no change in a week try flushing her maybe it's ph problem buy a ph tester first incase how oftn u feed her
  10. K

    Leaves Rolling Under Themselves

    p.s by moist I mean bout inch under soil the top usually tries out quick just stick small finger in bout an inch or two also only best to water in the morning so by time lights go off the roots would hav absorbed afficient and not left for water to go cold during the night
  11. K

    Leaves Rolling Under Themselves

    I had this they looked almost like claws I was underwater my plant wen u water her make sure u do it well an water goes all the way through then let her dry I wait utill the majority of water has dried but still leave her slightly moist before doin again she seems to have percked up again so...
  12. K

    Quick Question About Autoflowering

    no dnt have internet at home only use Internet roun my mothers just basically wanted to kno how long they stay in preflowrn stage did top her jus before she reached maturity so may have slowed her slightly however shes recovered lovely and now have six colas on her looking good if say so myself...
  13. K

    Quick Question About Autoflowering

    so iv reached week 6 of my first grow bout some maxi gom auto flowerin seeds and all been really goin well shes bout 12 inches tall so far and noticed two weeks ago shes reached maturaty however since seein the hairs or pistils havnt noticed much else. any ways basically from what have read...
  14. K

    5 week old plant showin sex

    my plants only around 5 weeks and have notices shes alreay showin what sex she is!!! is this normal thought that was when there goin into flower. she an autoflowerin plant so hope she doesnt decide to just yet. i noticed it after i topped her this normal? any thoughts????
  15. K

    trimmin and prunin

    heya this is my first grow plants bout 3 weeks and round 7-8 inches tall. basically i have no idea wen or how to start prunnin would be worried bout choppin wrong bits or to much any help!!! cheers
  16. K

    bio bizz

    heya thanks for ur reply just read on biobizz wepsite that bizzbloom is from the start to end and that the bizz grow if for flowerin stage so i take it id just use the bloom from start to finish and add bizz grow goin into flowerin stage!!! sound about right!!
  17. K

    bio bizz

    hey all my plants bout 3 weeks old now and round 7-8 inches tall started it on baby bio and seems happy and well for now however am obviously goin to need somethin a lil better. was goin to purchase some bio bizz grow and bio biss bloom is this any good, would i need to use any thing else...
  18. K

    New Setup too Warm Me Thinks

    oh i see nice thanks for your replies. how ever am still so confused every one says diffrent, some say no higer than 85 and others say theyv been doin fine in a 90f condition aslong as gets no higher than 95 or 100 and obviously ud have to have good ventilasion. will just have to suck it and see...
  19. K

    New Setup too Warm Me Thinks

    damn was hopin that wasnt goin to be the case heard they could survive the higher temps but growth would be slowed and that raisin co2 could help them withstand higher temps hence my little yeast setup!!! love the idea of the cool tube but just havnt the expenses. may try the cooler and ice idea...
  20. K

    How often do I Fertilize My Marijuana Plant?

    im new but have a fairly basic idea. basically you dont ant to over do it ideally every other watering or so. and maybe watering down your consistancy so there gettin fed often but little with out over doin it!!!!!!