New Setup too Warm Me Thinks


hey there,
basically im new to this i have a small closet set up, have a 250w hps lamp. the temp with the door closed gets to around 90f or abit higher, door slitgtly ajar lowers to around 89-90f. this wouldnt be a prob part from partner has his son at weekend and do not want him to discover whats in side then goes home and tells mummy which may send alarm bells ringin!!! any how part from the light its a cheap little setup of only one plant cant afford any extras so excludes extractors etc. have made holes in ceiling but lamp fills space so not as much heat rises around the reflector me thinks!!! i have made a bottle of yeast and sugar connected via a tube to a dome in which the plant remains. it seems to be growing well and seems quite fast! basically any other thoughts ideas may help and would pretty much like to kno if any one has managed to produce a fine crop with temps higher than considered.


Well-Known Member
I have a feeling if you cannot drop those temps by 10 degrees you will soon be seeing the effects of heat stress. If you want to cool your closet on the cheap, make a swamp cooler from an insulated cooler filled with ice with a 5 dollar fan on top. This would keep things cool on the weekends that your in stealth mode


damn was hopin that wasnt goin to be the case heard they could survive the higher temps but growth would be slowed and that raisin co2 could help them withstand higher temps hence my little yeast setup!!! love the idea of the cool tube but just havnt the expenses. may try the cooler and ice idea and see what we get!!!


oh i see nice thanks for your replies. how ever am still so confused every one says diffrent, some say no higer than 85 and others say theyv been doin fine in a 90f condition aslong as gets no higher than 95 or 100 and obviously ud have to have good ventilasion. will just have to suck it and see jus want it to go well as cant wait for my first harvest!!!!! its was goin to be my new hobby!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i would also say no hotter than 85 aslong as youve got a fan blowing across the tops of your plants, your plant will tell you when its to hot so just keep an eye on her, good luck


Well-Known Member
I'm running around 86 degrees now because of the summer and I still get by, but I can definitely see the difference in growth between now and back when I had my temps at a steady 72-75. Get them down if you can, if you can't; thats life. Fans. Circulate air. Air condition. Increase intake/exhaust.