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  1. rpgdude

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    You know what an apologist is? If not Google it. Good apologist can apply critical thinking in debates all day long. Proof is subjective, what you see as proof another will not. There are some very critical thinkers and skilled debaters in the world of religion, Ravi Zacharias has made many...
  2. rpgdude

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    Cant use google? Wtf? Am I suppose to remember the names of smart people who believe in God? Ok, John Jorge Jones has an IQ of 201 and believes in God, I challenge you to prove me wrong "no googleing". Now that we are past the stupid shit lets continue. OK so this is what I think. I think most...
  3. rpgdude

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    Again you are wrong. What your basically saying is that critical thinking skills prevent belief in the "supernatural" and that is simply not true. There are many people who would put us both to shame in critical thinking skills who believe in God. Also to say all faith stems from stupidity...
  4. rpgdude

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    Your dead wrong. I wish you where not but many well informed, intelligent people believe in the garbage. All types of investigative professions are full of critical thinkers that believe the stuff. Some scientist with IQ's in the 200+ believe in God. Sorry man but there are many very intelligent...
  5. rpgdude

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    Ignorance and stupidaty are very difrent. Chills are something you get from a powerful singer, Visions and hallucinations are very different from a chill. You do not know you assume you know. Beliefs don't stem from one single thing but from many, such as the fear of death, the desire to see...
  6. rpgdude

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    The reason you contradicted yourself is simple. You don't understand because you've never been there. The kid is stupid? He believes what the people who love him, whom he trust implicitly tell him. Another thing, they do see and feel things. Buddhist, Muslims, christens and devil worshipers...
  7. rpgdude

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    Fuck you! I was a believer for most of my life and I am not dumb. I was brain washed from birth! My mother gave me to God on the alter at a full Baptist church. She had two girls and prayed for a son, she said "God if you grant me a son I will give him to you" and she did. Arrogant bitch! Like...
  8. rpgdude

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    Actually there skin is black. . On topic and may have been posted before but here it is.
  9. rpgdude

    God dam it!!!!!!

    Just giving an update. I am so amazed!:shock: She has recovered nicely, no limb loss, no buds died and only a few leaves died and she only drooped for 2 days. I was able to remove all the tape and ties. If i didn't know what happen I could not tell she was ever injured. :clap:FOR HER, she did...
  10. rpgdude

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    They are an arrogant bunch. God will save me but that starving child just isn't worthy of some food. God will supply all my needs if I give the preacher my money and the preacher is beating his kids. <--Happened to my parents. Pastor got 11 years and the worst part is some of the congregation...
  11. rpgdude

    Hps bulb question

    My light is getting dim so I decided to look for a new bulb and found this site What I notice is these very cheep bulbs have the identical specs as many "grow bulbs". Is the word "grow" on the packaging the only differences? This...
  12. rpgdude

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    Nothing is proven! Zip! Hey my 5yo nephew has an imaginary friend and believes in Santa. Would you like me to ask him what God is telling his friend? One sec....................................................................................................God said don't argue with brainwashed...
  13. rpgdude

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    Iv spent most of my life around full Pentecostal holiness people.They believe in all that miracle shit they even speak in tongs. This is how a "miracle" starts . 1995, Preacher I have a bad head ache. BE HEALED! 2012, This man came in with a brain tumor and he is alive today PRAISE JESUS! No...
  14. rpgdude

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    Did Jesus exist? No one knowes but I can tell you that you can find right here deities who's stories and words mirror and yet predate Jesus. They are just as evolving as the gospels and many are much more in depth. One thing is for certain, its...
  15. rpgdude

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    Yes it is. Every person alive today are decedents of someone who was burned, racked, raped etc.. Entire nations where slaughtered, generations taught bigotry, slavery justified and most if not all wars had religion to blame. Jesus could have been speaking for every religion on earth when he said...
  16. rpgdude

    God dam it!!!!!!

    You have all given me hope. My wife thanks you and says I'm an idiot. I put a couple holes in the walls and broke a few things. I have put so much dam money and time into this AND Iv even gone without smoke so I could buy all this shit I lost my mind for minute. So 4 weeks into flower gives her...
  17. rpgdude

    God dam it!!!!!!

    :cuss:GOD DAM IT!!! MOTHER FUCKING BULL SHIT!!! SON OF A FUCKING BOTCH! IM SO FUCKING MAD IM CRYING!!!:cry:My 150watt hps and my 250watt hps fell and crushed and burned my White Russian:wall: She is 4 weeks into flower, she broke into just below the canopy and many of her limbs bent like a...
  18. rpgdude

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    I notice this to and when I began to truly study my faith I notice that many other God/men had performed the exact same miracles and even said the exact same things as Jesus. As a christen I read psalms alot. One day I found the egiption book of the dead and was blown away at just how similar it...
  19. rpgdude

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    Agreed. We are on the same page I think. Its all just human concepts in the end and if there is some great force its so far beyond us we will never grasp it fully.
  20. rpgdude

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    There are many Gods and just as many concepts about any of those Gods. Mid east God=all powerful creator. Norse Gods=more like angels but can be killed...etc...etc. The belief in many Gods predates the belief in one god. To me the most intelligent belief systems recognize the balance such as...