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  1. Cheech 1983

    Whats wrong with this ? Pics

    Its only on the lower feeder leaves..
  2. Cheech 1983

    Whats wrong with this ? Pics

    how should i fix it? use more nutes? cause i have only been using half of whats its been calling for.
  3. Cheech 1983

    Whats wrong with this ? Pics

    Is this nute burn or somthing else?
  4. Cheech 1983

    Help me whats going on here (PIC)

    nute burn?
  5. Cheech 1983

    Should i start flowering or should i wait (pics)

    Ive trimmed and tied them down a decent amount and there is only 4 clones. I feel like they would be doubled in hieght right now if i didnt. I kind of do wanna wait one more week but im not sure if im gonna have enough room. anyway the big worry is them burning i guess cause of the short closet...
  6. Cheech 1983

    Should i start flowering or should i wait (pics)

    Ive been using roots organic along with some food by them. These are clones that are almost 6 weeks old. Im thinking about starting the flowering process but not sure if i should. i only have about 5ft to work with. The plants are 14in and buckets are about 1ft. i know there gonna stretch and...
  7. Cheech 1983

    Need a little help and i have pics

    Ok thanx again... i feel like its the nutes ive never used roots organic before im gonna reduce the food a little an see what happens.
  8. Cheech 1983

    Need a little help and i have pics

    Thanx for the help
  9. Cheech 1983

    Need a little help and i have pics

    im using roots organic soil and nutes
  10. Cheech 1983

    Need a little help and i have pics

    I think they look fine too for being clones...... hopefully they turn out to be a good yield =-)
  11. Cheech 1983

    Need a little help and i have pics

    Thanx and no I dont spray I just water them. Ive also skipped watering on top and put water in the tray a couple times too. Dont know if that helps much but I feel like the change does a little. I am just a beginner so any advice is always a plus.
  12. Cheech 1983

    Need a little help and i have pics

    this just started from what i noticed anyway.
  13. Cheech 1983

    Need a little help and i have pics

    i can get more pics ill post soon
  14. Cheech 1983

    Need a little help and i have pics

    sorry i forgot to say there only a month and a half old supersilverh =-)
  15. Cheech 1983

    Need a little help and i have pics

    I think this might be nute burn but not to sure? Can someone help me out please??