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  1. stnrnnd

    3 Weeks into flowering...Starting to Have Problems!!!

    They have not recovered yet. I have given them nothing but water for 4 days now.
  2. stnrnnd

    3 Weeks into flowering...Starting to Have Problems!!!

    The strain is strawberry cough. I will cut back on nutes. How long do you think before i can see a change?
  3. stnrnnd

    3 Weeks into flowering...Starting to Have Problems!!!

    No not yet. Right now I am giving them: 5ml Flora Gro 7.5ml Flora Micro 12.5ml Flora Bloom 4ml Liquid Kool Bloom 3 ml Humboldt Honey Hydro-carbs Any suggestions?
  4. stnrnnd

    3 Weeks into flowering...Starting to Have Problems!!!

    I am using a sea of green method utilizing a deep water cycle system with a 400 watt HPS. I am using Gen Hydro nutrients with a sustained room temperature of app. 72 degrees. Within the past 7-10 days, I began noticing that any new growth was dark in coloration and would droop and curl inward...
  5. stnrnnd

    Harvesting early... side effects

    I was given a couple of Durban clones and I underestimated the time it would take to fully ripen. Now, with the holidays approaching, I have to harvest because I'm leaving for a couple of weeks. At this point there is only a small percentage of red hairs. I quit fertilizing them and began...
  6. stnrnnd

    Only a few weeks left but I am having problems!!

    So I have been dealing with issues with these plants for a while. Everything was finally going fine when they started exhibiting other signs. The bottom older leaves are turning yellow and eventually dropping, and now the middle and some of the upper leaves are turning brown on the edges and...
  7. stnrnnd

    1st week of flowering... drooping ladies

    My plants have been drooping ever since I changed the light and switched them to a 12 hour day. They were a little droopy before the switch but that was after 18 hours of light on them.I use an ebb and flow system, water for a few minutes every morning, have a 400 watt light at 18 inches away. I...
  8. stnrnnd

    Flowering Questions

    Is it normal or at least acceptable if plants droop a littl the day after transitioning to flowering? I switched the light and shortened the growing cycle and today they are a little droopy. Thanks for any help or ideas.
  9. stnrnnd

    Plants Drooping At Night, Help!!!

    diluted or right out of the bottle.
  10. stnrnnd

    Plants Drooping At Night, Help!!!

    Should I just put it in the resovoir or spray the base of the plant where the mold is or both? Thanks for all of the info by the way.
  11. stnrnnd

    Trouble in Paradise, Please Help!!

    I have a few 5 week olds and I am having continually worsening problems. Over the past couple of weeks they began drooping at night, developing brown leaf tips, and the growing medium they came in( they were clones) has white spots which are now a full fledged mold and or fungus. They have been...
  12. stnrnnd

    Plants Drooping At Night, Help!!!

    So Hydrogen Peroxide will not harm the plants? Do you happen to know the amount per gallon to use?
  13. stnrnnd

    pruning scrog

    Pruning can seriously damage a plant and its possible yield. If everything is doing fine either let it be or possibly use a bending method. Cannibus is durable so bend it and let it grow back up.
  14. stnrnnd

    Will white trash bags work??

    Make it simple. Go to your local home depot or hydro store and pick up some panda film( black on one side white on the other). Its durable, reflective and cheap( 1$ for a 1ft by 10 ft strip). Make sure you use cardboard under your staples or nails so that it doesnt tear the panda film.
  15. stnrnnd

    Plants Drooping At Night, Help!!!

    Thats the thing. I do have all that fancy equipment and everything checked out. As for hydro over soil, in my area its better suited and lest risk od pest and other nuisances.
  16. stnrnnd

    Plants Drooping At Night, Help!!!

    Even if they begin drooping after about 14 hours of light? How do I know if the roots are oxygenated enough? They are nice and thick and white out the bottom.
  17. stnrnnd

    Plants Drooping At Night, Help!!!

    I have a few 5 week olds and I am having continually worsening problems. Over the past couple of weeks they began drooping at night, developing brown leaf tips, and the growing medium they came in( they were clones) has white spots which are now a full fledged mold and or fungus. They have been...
  18. stnrnnd

    Desperate need of answers for sick plants.

    Whoa! Man, I appreciated your advice so much I immediately gave you a positive rep. I'm new to this forum and must have made a mistake but damn I really thought I was uping your reputation. Please dont hold it against me, I could really use the help. We are all in the same fight.
  19. stnrnnd

    Desperate need of answers for sick plants.

    For future info what would be a better medium? Also, if you noticed the other posts they acted as though I was underwatering drastically, is this just due to confusion?
  20. stnrnnd

    Desperate need of answers for sick plants.

    They are kept in a large rockwool medium inside a submersion table. My understanding was one possibly two 30 min submersion periods would be fine until they were larger. At this time they are approximately 14 inches high with about a foot curcumfrance. Also, I was watering them 3 times a day and...