3 Weeks into flowering...Starting to Have Problems!!!


Active Member
I am using a sea of green method utilizing a deep water cycle system with a 400 watt HPS. I am using Gen Hydro nutrients with a sustained room temperature of app. 72 degrees. Within the past 7-10 days, I began noticing that any new growth was dark in coloration and would droop and curl inward. Starting to get worried, any help would be great.Would this possibly be caused by over submersion of the roots because they are basically submerged in water? DSCN1036.jpgDSCN1035.jpgDSCN1034.jpg


Active Member
No not yet. Right now I am giving them:
5ml Flora Gro
7.5ml Flora Micro
12.5ml Flora Bloom
4ml Liquid Kool Bloom
3 ml Humboldt Honey Hydro-carbs

Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
hmm looks like a good lineup to me...i don't know what to tell you. hopefully someone else can help, good luck.
cut down on the nutes...wwaaayyyyy down.

what strain is it?

I use GH nutes and use 1/2 to 1/4 of whats on their schedule.

Make sure your ph is correct, 5.8-6.2 if hydro.


Active Member
The strain is strawberry cough. I will cut back on nutes. How long do you think before i can see a change?


Active Member
she has been over fed and will not recover,

i had a similar problem, the new growth was fine and she still made good buds in the end....but i'd flush if i were you


Well-Known Member
The problem with the N claw that you have been dealing with is that usually any effected growth will generally stay as it is and you have to look at any new growth to see whether it has stopped.
