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  1. H

    Accidentally left cure in light for 2 hours

    Thanks everyone! And I'm really sorry for not replying. I'm a total idiot - I smoked so much of it that night that I completely forgot I even posted this!
  2. H

    Accidentally left cure in light for 2 hours

    Hey, I'm in week 3 of curing and I left my boxes (I use vacuum plastic boxes) on my bed in a room that was half-dimly lit for 2 hours. I know this was dumb, but I don't know just how dumb was it. Does anyone know if my stash is seriously damaged/degraded, or I shouldn't worry about it? Thanks!
  3. H

    CFL broke, will it poison my drying buds?

    Holy shlmokes, I never expected such a fast response and this is athick thread now. You guys are incredible. When the (small) cfl broke I immediately took it (just a hole was made in it) and put it in a bag, then closed it and opened the window and put a fan on. the buds are drtying in the...
  4. H

    CFL broke, will it poison my drying buds?

    I was dumb enough to break a cfl in my the room I let my buds dry. they are just 3 days from being ready for curing. Is my crop poisenous now? Should I toss the whole thing? Major panic attack here.
  5. H

    Stem suffocating, need help urgently

    Hey, I'm sorry that I posted this after posting it also in the "Advanced Marijuana Cultivation" forum, but I didn't get an answer there and I'm really stressed. I made a huge mistake by tying a bent stem a couple of days ago using zipties. Now I realized that my stem has OUTGROWN the zip tie...
  6. H

    Please help, I'm a new kind of idiot

    I made a huge mistake by doing LST a couple of days ago using zipties. Now I realized that my stem has OUTGROWN the zip tie and I fear it's literally suffocating it. I'm in day 3 of week 3 into flowering. Am I killing my plant? I have no possible way of removing the ziptie without hurting...
  7. H

    Growroom gets hot for 15 minutes each hour or two

    I didn't want to kill my fans so I put them on a timer - 15 minutes break for every 45 minutes of work. I'm went into flowering 2 weeks ago with a 400hps lamp and this morning the meter said the max temp was 97f degrees and 76% humidity. When the fans work it's fine. Is it very bad to my...
  8. H

    Day 5 into flowering

    By the way, any idea how many buds I'm expecting to harvest? My baby is 3 feet long now (almost 1 week into flowering) and has about 13-14 nodes.
  9. H

    Day 5 into flowering

    Thanks bro. Do you think I still need it with just one (large) plant?
  10. H

    Day 5 into flowering

    Thanks man. I think I came up with a sweet solution for the light leaks - in my growroom I put an empty toilet paper roll in the hole where the air should come in, tightened the noose around it and put a black sock on it. Now air can still come into the room, but the black sock filters the...
  11. H

    Day 5 into flowering

    Hey guys, I'm at day 5 into flowering my 1st plant (she is a Cinderella 99). Just a couple of questions: 1. I'm not seeing anything that might look like the beginning of buds. However, she is shooting out a ton of new fresh leaves from almost every branch. Is this normal? 2. The new...
  12. H

    My Excel grow-chart

    Hey guys, Here is my Excel grow journal. I think it covers just about everything you need to track daily. Hope it helps anyone!
  13. H

    Mold infested stem? Please help me

    Hey guys, I'm back from the store with a 3% H2O2 bottle. It's 100ml. How do I use it to heal my baby?...
  14. H

    Mold infested stem? Please help me

    Whoops, she not 9 weeks old by 8 weeks - today is her 60'th day birthday. I really hope she's not going to die on me :( dbkick, can you tell me exactly how I treat her with the h2o2? Do I need to add it to the water? I'm a complete noob.
  15. H

    Mold infested stem? Please help me

    BTW she is quite tall I think - she is about 80 centimeters tall now.
  16. H

    Mold infested stem? Please help me

    Yeah it's really wet. I feed her for a 15 minutes drip for every 1 hour, during the 18h period only. The rockwool is really wet. I'm just realizing now that my medium (a 30 liters pot) may contain a water level way too high than I need. Can I treat stem rot?
  17. H

    Mold infested stem? Please help me

    My local store doesn't sell h2o2 so i'll go with the neem ;) Keeping my fingers crossed. BTW does it hurt my baby if I cut her dying leaves?
  18. H

    Mold infested stem? Please help me

    Thanks! I'll buy it right away. By the way, should I be worried about dying leafs at the lower nodes? And one more thing - I broke the stem trying to tie her down, so as I was advised by the kind people in this forum I taped her up and tied her to a stake. That was a few days ago and she...
  19. H

    Mold infested stem? Please help me

    Hey guys, It's week 9 into veg (I had to extend 1 more week because I broke the top 3/4 of the stem & I want to let it heal before going into flowering), and yesterday I switched from fluorescent to a 400W HPS. With that much light around, I was horrified to see the bottom part of my stem...
  20. H

    Broke the stem & touched the wound

    I hope for the best.... before even realizing it's mold and how harmful it is, I smoked a ton of dead leaves because I couldn't wait. I had diarrhea hell for 2 days :wall: I'm in about week 8 of veg. Hope it's not killing my plant. I'd be really depressed if it's infected bad, she's my little...