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  1. Humblebudz

    My leaves small?

    Cool thanks guys I will follow your advice promptly thanks :)
  2. Humblebudz

    My leaves small?

    And would hanging all the light over head be better then using some CFL for Sid lighting?
  3. Humblebudz

    My leaves small?

    Is my wattage too low still??
  4. Humblebudz

    My leaves small?

    Ok I defoliate mostly damaged but now u think it's good? :)
  5. Humblebudz

    My leaves small?

    Lol right
  6. Humblebudz

    My leaves small?

    Aanother angle
  7. Humblebudz

    My leaves small?

    By the way thank you for your quick response it was appreciated greatly :)
  8. Humblebudz

    My leaves small?

    Ok so I got it from friend it was pH of 8 at times other times he said it went as low as 5 idk wtf he was doing. He also overwatering and idk what else. I got them he said they were 4 weeks old I've had them one week led is 17 inches there is also other pots in the tent. The CFL lamp on the...
  9. Humblebudz

    My leaves small?

    Here's without led on
  10. Humblebudz

    My leaves small?

    So I saved some plants from death by a friend and was wondering now that they are progressing are these leaves a bit small ?
  11. Humblebudz

    Saved them I hopes

    Led is up so have a 300 watt anjeet led I have 40 watt LED shop light 80 watts flouro 265 watts of CFL on three plants in a 4x4x6.5 tent led is whole spectrum 97 watts of CFL are 2700 rest is 5000 LED shop light is 5k
  12. Humblebudz

    Saved them I hopes

    Just put in 80 watts of flouro 5k and took out CFL down to 340 tomorrow put in 300 watt led
  13. Humblebudz

    Saved them I hopes

    So I got these plants from a friend who had neglected and pretty much killed them pH was messed up massive amounts of nutes and then little light etc etc u name it it seemed like it had it minus spider mites thank God haha but for shits and giggles since I was wanting to try and start growing I...
  14. Humblebudz

    Just wondering

    So I have currently 365 watts of CFL and 40 watt LED with 300 watt LED and grow tent being shipped and I'll have my ansi ballast for my 100 watth MH bulb in week or two. I have one og Skywalker and two bag seed plants growing for shits in giggles I used a mix of (I know horrible choice but all...
  15. Humblebudz

    Just wondering

    With 45-60 day veg let's say they are Skywalker og plants
  16. Humblebudz

    Just wondering

    What would u expect obviously as a big guess cos strain etc etc but what's ur guess if you ran 100w MH 470watt CFL 40watt led would the yield be near double u think?
  17. Humblebudz

    Just wondering

    How much would you expect if soil was perfect etc and u had a single plant under 365 watts of CFL true wattage not equivelant and 40 watt LED? Like 70-80 grams?
  18. Humblebudz

    Randomish survey ;)

    Damn beat me to it lol ;)
  19. Humblebudz

    Randomish survey ;)

    True med I see the variables as well my argument was root strangle shared light etc and he thought they would have been bit smaller at end but still out performed based on number of bud sites then exposed to light etc but ya either way guessing game just thought I'd see what other high or sober...
  20. Humblebudz

    Randomish survey ;)

    Wow how warm and inviting of you mr.sunshine. our high discussions watching thunderstorms drinking Arnold Palmer's with vodka was simply some B's passing time sorry u find it stupid ;)