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  1. S

    Plants 32 days from seed, small and spindly. Advice needed.

    I'd like to apologize in advanced for the poor picture quality, I will try to post better pics tomorrow. Anyways, 32 days ago I placed 5 Holland's Hope (a indica dominant/sativa hybrid) seeds in soil, they emerged after about 7 days, it has now been a month and they are only about 4 to 5 inches...
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    0% germination from the attitude

    Well I have germinated seeds before with the exact same method and have had great success. I have never actually grown, but I have on multiple occasions just germinated bag seed out of curiosity and would get around 80% plus success rate with mature seeds.
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    0% germination from the attitude

    So I tried germinating 5 feminized Dutch Passion's Holland's Hope 96 hours ago and not a single seed germinated. I used the paper towel method and distilled neutral pH water. So obviously I am irked I spent $80 on seeds and not one even grew a root. I decided since Attitude is such a popular...
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    Will having 9 day old plants in darkness for 3-4 hours kill them?

    Outside of my window, I am at 45 degrees latitude. I am not sure how long they will have light for exactly, but it will be without light for three to four hours during the middle of the day when I am driving them home, only once. Would that be enough to screw them up? Conflicting opinions here.
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    Will having 9 day old plants in darkness for 3-4 hours kill them?

    I was just wondering because they will have about 5 or so hours of sun, be covered up for almost four, then come out for a few hours of sun and then it's night time. Was worried it disrupt some sort of biological activity due the unnatural change in lighting schedule. Thanks for the replies...
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    Will having 9 day old plants in darkness for 3-4 hours kill them?

    So I am moving out of my dorm room in 9 days and am going to be growing out in the country during the summer. I am hoping it is possible for me to start my seeds now. My only concern is that they will either grow to big to be boxed up, or that doing so will kill them. I'd be skipping...
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    Can Plants Go Without Watering During First Two Weeks of Life?

    Hi, I currently have two options in my summer guerilla grow. I am currently at University until June 11th, until I go home for the summer I am unable to start my grow. I may go home for memorial day weekend however. If I was to start germinating my seeds 2 or so days before going home would I...
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    How easily can law enforcement choppers spot small crops? (5 plants or less)

    Thanks for the replies and advice. Looks like this shouldn't be a problem. I am still wondering though, if I was too plant in a forest clearing, how big would it need to be? Also, I will be unable to germinate these seeds until June 11th. Is this too late to expect any kind of yield? I might...
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    How easily can law enforcement choppers spot small crops? (5 plants or less)

    I apologize if this wordy and long, I am trying to provide as much information possible to those who would be able to offer their advice. Today I went scouting for locations to start my small guerrilla grow this summer. I am planting 5 feminised Holland's Hope, which are known for their...
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    Advice Needed On Planting Late

    I would rather plant in the ground, but the soil here is clay. Thus why I am using grow bags.
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    Advice Needed On Planting Late

    Thanks for the reply. I hope that ends up being the case. Anyone able to tell me if my plants will have long enough to take advantage of nutes or a larger grow bag even if they are being planted late? Thanks!
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    Advice Needed On Planting Late

    I will not be home till the 6-11 of June, so I will not be able to start my outdoor grow till then. I am going to be using grow bags coated with spin out filled with a mixture of 75% Roots Organic soil, 25% perlite and 1 tablespoon dolomite lime per gallon. I am 45 degrees north. Here is...
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    Moving Plants After a Month of Growing..

    Thanks for the replies! I am thinking about covering my back windows up with a blanket or something. Pretty sure I can get a ticket for it, but it's not like marijuana plants won't either..
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    Moving Plants After a Month of Growing..

    I originally was unable to start my seeds until June 11, which left me considering not growing this summer. However a friend of mine is letting me start my plants in his backyard and when I go home for the summer I will drive my plants with me... That is where my question comes in, in about...
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    June 11 too late for Holland's Hope? Autos instead?

    Can anyone tell me if the yield would be even high enough for it to be worth it?
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    June 11 too late for Holland's Hope? Autos instead?

    I am away at college living in dorms, so growing inside is not an option, nor do I have the equipment to start them indoors unfortunately. Thanks for the reply and good luck with your grow.
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    June 11 too late for Holland's Hope? Autos instead?

    I was planning on starting my first outdoor grow the start of may and harvesting in mid September. But for various reasons I now cannot start until June 9-11 and I live at almost exactly 45 degrees north. I was planning on planting 5 feminized Dutch Passion's Holland's Hope which finish...
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    Local Soil is Red Clay.. Grow bags, pots, what?

    Would it work to do 50% FF or similar organic soil and 50% dirt (or at least a cheapo soil like pro-mix)? FF is pretty cheap where I live compared to prices I have seen quoted else where ($13 vs $20) but a single bag is only 1.5cubic feet, the cost of soil adds up pretty quickly.
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    Local Soil is Red Clay.. Grow bags, pots, what?

    I am going to attempt my first grow this April/May. I have 5 feminized Holland's Hope (I have been told it is very easy to grow), 10 Cheese and 10 Train Wreck (these came free). I will be planting in multiple patches and will not be planting all of the regular seeds (or in the same patch(es) as...