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  1. L

    Stem split in flowering !!!

    Yes I have that happen to me but it was one of the main stock all I did was tape it back and support it with a stick or something it works give it a try
  2. L

    Need a little help

    Thanks for the help but can someone that grew sativa help me out on this one
  3. L

    Need a little help

    Ok my question is how long do I flower my Blue berry haze sativa, it's a out door plant 8 ft by 5. It been only flowering for like a week still have a long way but anyone who ever grew sativa help me out how long dose it take for sativa to fully flower.
  4. L

    New to this a little help

    Thanks elder1thats what I was talking about guess he dont understand it smart ass
  5. L

    New to this a little help

    Ok my plant has bud out before and didn't havest when it was small and now it's a big girl someone help me out will it still bud again or is it just gonna veg only can anyone help me out
  6. L

    Is my plant getting to much sunlight

    Hey guys I have a blue berry haze outdoor and it's not showing no signs of flowering yet wat could I do to help it flower faster it's a sativa 8ft tall do I just let it be and let it flower when she's ready I had it flower out before but never harvest it do it grew that big should it still...
  7. L

    Is flora nova bloom and flora grow good

    Hey guys I'm new this is the flora nova nut a good one to be using has anyone use it before can anyone tell me how good ur buds turn out at the end were u happy using flora nova bloom and flora nova grow could someone who tryed it let me know how it turn out thanks
  8. L

    Will this make my plant stress

    I'm just worried cause my plant is a blue berry haze sativa and sativa takes longer but it's not even showing no white hair yet should I be worrie or it let it do wat it has too do before flowering or should I water with more nutrients I'm using flora nova bloom it that brand good please help it...
  9. L

    Will this make my plant stress

    One of my main stock broke and I taped it back I was wounding if that will effect my plant from flowering will it stress out my plant please help
  10. L

    Stem broke need help ASAP should I tape it

    Guys but it's not the little stem it is off the main stem will it heal like the picture half of my plant was just laying there and I pushed it back up where it belong and typed it will my plant be good or will the half be done with some one help me out how do I post picture on here so you guys...
  11. L

    Stem broke need help ASAP should I tape it

    I took a look at my plant and o my god I have tied it down too much and the stem had broke from the main stem need help ASAP its still hanging on so I taped it back will my plant be ok will it grow back cause that's like half of my whole plant need answers ASAP help dr
  12. L

    Getting too tall

    Thanks again I have my baby tied down already and I was asking cause didn't want the 50 to come to the house and tell me anything about my plants so I was just being on the safe side better to know then being sorry thanks
  13. L

    Getting too tall

    Could some one answer my question is there a law on how big I could have my plants or is there a size limit on it my plant is about 8ft tall just wondering if I have to cover or just tie them down there taller then my fence could some one help me out thanks
  14. L

    Why is my outdoor sativa not flowering

    Thanks everyone for helping me out I was worried about my girl not flowering but I guess I'll just have to wait and see but one more thing is my plant is getting way to big 8 ft tall is there a law on how big you could only have your plants or could it be as big as you want them to be someone...
  15. L

    Why is my outdoor sativa not flowering

    I live in Fresno Cali is it cause of the time cycle or is it because it's a sativa plant
  16. L

    Why is my outdoor sativa not flowering

    Yes I'm using Flora nova bloom and my plant is in the middle of my yard so it has sun light all day long so should I use more of the nutrient or do I just wait for it to flower
  17. L

    Why is my outdoor sativa not flowering

    Hi friends need a LILO help my outdoor sativa is not in flowering stage yet but keeps getting bigger everyday is there a problem with my plant or is there a way I could make it flower or just wait for it to flower it self please help. Its already 8 ft tall