Stem broke need help ASAP should I tape it


I took a look at my plant and o my god I have tied it down too much and the stem had broke from the main stem need help ASAP its still hanging on so I taped it back will my plant be ok will it grow back cause that's like half of my whole plant need answers ASAP help dr


Well-Known Member
Splint with sticks if possible and wrap tape around THE STICKS! Hold water fora day, then water withhout nutes. It'll heal if you're quick.


Active Member
For the most part, if you did a good tape/splint job (splint, not spliff :lol: ), AND leave it be for a few days you should be fine.

I've snapped main stems 3/4 of the way through if not more and have been fortunate...

I've only had 2 breaks that did not mend, that was mostly due to not properly splinting the break, or continually messing with it.

papa kropps

Well-Known Member
stick a dow rod or small stick in the dirt and tie it to the plant. or use a smaller peice like a splint if not in soil wow nice buds bud


Guys but it's not the little stem it is off the main stem will it heal like the picture half of my plant was just laying there and I pushed it back up where it belong and typed it will my plant be good or will the half be done with some one help me out how do I post picture on here so you guys could know what I'm talking about it's a big plant


Active Member
THE STALK SNAPPED ? like if it snapped and went 90 degrees to the left or right i don't think theres much to help with. like the others said use splints n tape it . N hope for the best!