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  1. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    24 hours of darkness then harvested on Day 66. Hung in dark for 72 hours then manicured and jarred on Day 69 :mrgreen::mrgreen: Alright guys, here she is!! I harvested her earlier this morning on its 3rd day of hanging in the dark and she weighed out just over 22g dry and un-manicured (20.5g...
  2. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    Sorry for the delay and my apologies for the darkness of these pics but you will get the idea.
  3. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    Ran to Home Depot and picked up some light bulb holders...$1 each...then bought some 16 gauge lamp cord (can also use an extension cord and cut off the female end). Do a little research on how to wire lights in a parallel chain..its quite easy just make sure you do it right so you don't blow out...
  4. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    His plant was stretching for light. The nodes were further apart causing buds to grow apart from one another so they cant retain water and mature properly. I have 2X the amount of light that he did and at the end of the day what it comes down to is LIGHT :).
  5. inƒamøus

    Are My Plants Coming Along Okay? Please Review Pics and Comment ( 30 Days Flowering)

    dang man those are lookin pretty fresh. Make sure those bulbs coming in are 2700K Spectrum for flowering phase. They are soooo green but thats pry because of the FF soil mine did the same thing ;) How often are you watering? They look just a little bit saggy maybe overwatering just a touch...
  6. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    Day 50/51 She is starting to get STICKY! I have now cut off the majority of the fan leaves even though people say that autoflowers should be left alone due to vigorous growth. I have about 14,000 Lumens on her, but nonetheless, they are CFLs and light penetration just isn't there so I...
  7. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    End of Day 40/ Day 41 She is starting to fill out, especially around the cola!!:lol: Lower portions of branches are budding as well and I am about to clip some more yellowing fan leaves in order for light to reach the lower flowers. Watered her with 32 oz. of Diluted Molasses water (3...
  8. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    End of Day 35/Day 36 Have now trimmed off all the excess fan leaves, maybe trimming a few more in the days to come if a few keep yellowing and eventually die. The cola has actually started producing small buds as well as a few other places on her. The side lights are helping a lot with...
  9. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    Bought some FF Tiger Bloom yesterday and diluted 1/2 tsp into a gallon of distilled water. Gave her about 32 oz. at about 8pm tonight (30 minutes after lights on). I will upload new pics in a day or two once the yellowing leaves die off and I clip them. Gotta show her off lookin fresh and...
  10. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    Day 31 My roommate was watering her for me while I was gone for 5 days and I realized upon return that I was diluting the molasses a little strong because I had burnt a few of the fan leaves to a crisp so I flushed her with half a gallon of pure distilled water, which is why she looks like...
  11. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    Thanks bro!!
  12. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    I am home for christmas and actually have my roommate taking care of her for a couple days but I will snap a few pics once I get back in a few days. I would top her and snip some fan leaves but she's an autoflower and I've researched that cutting leaves on autoflower isnt the best choice because...
  13. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    haha right?! Look where this bachelor's degree took me ;)
  14. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    thanks for the advice! I actually added two side lights last night!
  15. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    thanks yo!
  16. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    Day 25 Day 25 and she is finally starting to stretch for the light and gain some height. Her lower branches are also starting to reach and expose themselves from the undergrowth. Pistils have been visible for about 6 days now and she appears to be maturing quickly. I have again changed my...
  17. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    Day 20! Tomorrow will be her 3 week birthday and she seems to be doing quite well. I have to keep rearranging her under the lights multiple times a day because she is growing so fast now. I watered her last night when her lights came on around 8:00pm with about 20 oz. of distilled and...
  18. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    Day 17 December 12 It has been a few days since my last post and she is doing very well! She has been branching off like crazy and hasn't seemed to have stretched much at all. I have been keeping an ambient temperature right around 79-81 consistently for the past week or so and she seems to...
  19. inƒamøus

    Otherwise healthy leaves turning downwards?

    Baby Girl is now 13 days old and she has been growing quite vigorously for the past 3-4 days. She is looking very healthy and the first set of fan leaves got a bit of heat stress I believe which caused the slight distortion. Since I have replaced bulbs and have been keeping an ambient temp...
  20. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    Day 11 December 6 11:30am Last night I installed 3 Y-mounts for light bulbs in attempts to distribute light more evenly and keep the direct heat further away from the top of the plant. Essentially when fully-loaded I could run 10 bulbs...6 in Y-connectors and 4 more vertically in between the...