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  1. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    Day 9 December 4 12:30pm Been trying to keep soil moist on top without re-watering because bottom half of pot is still retaining some moisture. Removed humidifier because it wasn't creating enough moisture to be beneficial and was hindering ventilation. I got a Accurite Temp/Humidity monitor...
  2. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    Feminized Easy Rider (auto AK x Low Rider#2) from Attitude Seedbank
  3. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    Started her from seed in Fox Farm Ocean Forest. Has Guano, Earthworm castings, etc. and they recommend not using any nutes for the first 30 days because the soil will supply all the plant needs for that time. I plan on using diluted blackstrap molasses in distilled water for every water i give...
  4. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    Day 8 December 2 9:30pm I added a 140mm 80 cfm intake fan to accompany the two 120mm 40 cfm exhaust fans. Continuously trying to chip away at the interior temp. Extra fan definitely helped as the ambient temp has been between 79-81 F after lights have been on for almost 2 hours. Will check...
  5. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    I currently have my lights just over 3" inches away from the top of the plant in order to keep the temp down. Is this too far?? I am producing quite a few lumens, but I know people say that if its over 1" away its worthless.
  6. inƒamøus

    Reduce lumens? NL grow

    when in flowering stage i will change some of the 6500K bulbs for 2700K bulbs because this will simulate autumn.
  7. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    End of day 6 into day 7 of light cycle. December 1 Just before lights off (3:30pm). She's looking very strong! *seed shell fell off* 10:00pm Change bulb layout again. Now using 4 26w-6500K (1600 lumens/ea) and 1 42w-2700K (2800 lumens) producing 146 total watts and 9200 lumens with three...
  8. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    Once mine gets bigger I was thinking about getting some 2700K t-5 tubes for blooming, and mount them vertically in the corners of the box to get light to lower half and sides of her. I plan on doing some LST and tying the plants down after a few weeks old so the lower leafs fill out and form...
  9. inƒamøus

    New here! Check out my first grow ever!!

    bump. On ​Day 7!!
  10. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    Day 7 December 1 (6th day in ground) 12:15pm -Lights on for almost 17 hours and temps hovering right at 85 F without having to vent excess air through top lid or front access point. Much better ventilation than where cabinet was yesterday (Almost at 95 F).
  11. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    god i'm high. Jack Herer x G13 bongsmilie
  12. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    Moved my entire room around and the cabinet is by the door now and off the radiated wall. Floor fan blowing from across the room downward across the wood floor and hits the wall and bounces into the cabinet through passive intake holes. Lights on for 5 hours and maintaining 81-82 F.
  13. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    thanks man! I thought it was pretty clever. This thing is actually pretty small width-wise once its filled in with all the radiant barrier. That is the idea in the future..when I move out of this uptown apt and acquire a larger crop homestead. ;)
  14. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    Day 6 November 30 12:30pm - Watered 10 oz. distilled. 7:30pm - Wake up baby girl. -seed shell still attached.
  15. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    Get that garbage out of my thread :lol:
  16. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    Have a fan in there but it doesn't seem to be blowing hard enough. it only has one setting for fan and doubles as a heater. Stupid fuckin people below us control the heat and they leave it at like 78 its hot as shit in my apt. Honestly I open the window during the day and its 35 F outside...
  17. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    Interior temps reaching mid 90's by the end of the 20 hour light cycle! Is this alright?? It usually stays around 85-87 for 12-15 hours. Totally depends on air movement in the room.
  18. inƒamøus

    New here! Check out my first grow ever!!

    I was interested in LST. I know I can't top my girl because she's auto and I would just fuck up growth but could i tie her down when shes a couple weeks old as well as into flowering? ?
  19. inƒamøus

    My First Grow

    thanks yo.
  20. inƒamøus

    New here! Check out my first grow ever!!

    Looks purdy tho. What is she?