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  1. Bechnutnascar

    Timbers are here !

    Yes it did and i also dimmed the lights. Thx. Everything looking better now. Boy them lights are bright
  2. Bechnutnascar

    screwed up with nutes ??

    Ya. That was the first nutes in 1 1/2 weeks. Dont know what i was thinking.must have been high. I just flushed the 3 plants. Thx
  3. Bechnutnascar

    screwed up with nutes ??

    I screwed up and used nutes 2 days ago and was gonna cut 3 plants down this weekend. Should i just cut anyway or should i flush with ph water first and then cut this weekend ? Thx
  4. Bechnutnascar

    Help getting startup costs down please.

    Dont forget. Ph pen. Fan for blowing on plants. Power strip. Extension cords. I also agree dont waste your money on a cheap light. Go timber !
  5. Bechnutnascar

    Timbers are here !

    Almost ready. Another week. Yesterday was a week and i cut main cola off and raised the plant. Also started some veggies sat morning and yesterday they started peek through the dirt. Im just as exicted about that as my plants. Lol
  6. Bechnutnascar

    Timbers are here !

    Yes they def need water.tonite ! i hooked up the dimmer and the light on 100% are not as bright as not using the dimner at all. Dan did say they would be brighter without the dimmer switch hooked up
  7. Bechnutnascar

    Timbers are here !

    My temp is 73 and i only water every 3rd day and nutes only 1 of them days and they are dry by then. I think they might need watered now. I thought it was to much light so i lowered the plant. Could i be wrong ? Im new to this. Only been 6 months and learn new stuff everyday
  8. Bechnutnascar

    Timbers are here !

    Color coded and super easy to hook up. A kid could do it. Lol
  9. Bechnutnascar

    Timbers are here !

    I had them kinda close maybe a foot away so i dropped them down from what i had them sitting on today. So couple days i should know. Theres nothing i can do with 3 of mine. They are like 10" from the cobs so i kknd have them where the cob isnt straight on them. I want to keep plants short like...
  10. Bechnutnascar

    HSO Bubba's Gift under Timber 200w clu048 1212

    What about 4000 or 5000 k cobs ?
  11. Bechnutnascar

    Timbers are here !

    Thats funny cause i was gonna ask you about them reflectors. Seems to soread the light out a little more. Dan said something about par is better with them on but my area i need that light spread out. I have a 100 w kit i dont know what im gonna do with it yet. I was looking and might just...
  12. Bechnutnascar

    HSO Bubba's Gift under Timber 200w clu048 1212

    Looking good. Ive had my 300w citizen cob kit up for 4 days now. Yes the girls love them.
  13. Bechnutnascar

    Looking For The New LED Grow Light

    Timber grow lights cob kits !
  14. Bechnutnascar

    Timbers are here !

    I like the idea of hanging where you want. you will love them man. They are so bright all the way to the bottom of the plant. I can see a difference already and i hooked them up tues morning. Buds are getting bigger and fatter everyday and stinker. These plants here still have 4 weeks to go. Im...
  15. Bechnutnascar

    Timbers are here !

    4th day un new timber grow lights and 3 plants have started to bud already.
  16. Bechnutnascar

    Timbers are here !

    Heres what it looked like before te timber grow lights. Still worked but its nice went from 7 plugs to 1 plug
  17. Bechnutnascar

    Timbers are here !

    When i get back home ill post a pic of before the timber lights. Got a new iphone and all my oics our on my old iphone.4 cobs are on the left. I still have 150 hps on the right at the moment.
  18. Bechnutnascar

    Timbers are here !

    my timber grow lights citizen (6)cob 300w kit is here ! Just hooked them up. Blinding bright ☀️ Gonna mess with them more a little later. And ill get a pic up also.
  19. Bechnutnascar

    HSO Bubba's Gift under Timber 200w clu048 1212

    How are the girls doing ?
  20. Bechnutnascar

    Almost harvest time

    Couple more pics