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  1. HIGHsenberg420

    Hermie? (photo)

    8 weeks into flower.... You had better start over...
  2. HIGHsenberg420

    been harvesting early I think anyone have advice here are some pictures

    I would go to radio shack and get a 100x microscope, they are cheap. Then you check your trichs and make sure you have a good mixture of amber to cloudy, a little heavy on the amber side.
  3. HIGHsenberg420

    Speed Haze (ssh x j.herer) -early cut

    looks good for 6 weeks!
  4. HIGHsenberg420

    How about an 18/12 light cycle?

    Has anyone actually tried the 18 hour day/night cycle (6/12)? I'm curious about it. Might try it out and see what happens.
  5. HIGHsenberg420


    Purrrrrple is dead on about this strain, finishing up 3 girls right now. Smells dank, mice purple and short. Will post pics when room lights up
  6. HIGHsenberg420

    couple questions about my sprouts....

    Yeah since they are autos I didnt want to transplant them, thanks
  7. HIGHsenberg420

    couple questions about my sprouts....

    Yeah since they are autos I didnt want to transplant them
  8. HIGHsenberg420

    couple questions about my sprouts....

    Planted these seeds the other day, the first one broke soil tuesday, the other 2 on wed.. All 3 are autos, have been under (4) 4 foot t8 lights 24/7. Ive misted them with water but today is the first day i actually watered them. They are in good soil. The lights are about 8 inches from the...
  9. HIGHsenberg420

    Planting my seeds. Help please.

    So when it is time for a watering , would you say around a cup of water is good for a seedling? Yeah im excited to try and clone some of my regular plants(clones im picking up) when they are mature enough.
  10. HIGHsenberg420

    Planting my seeds. Help please.

    Cool, seems like somethng ill feel out as time goes on. Picking up some clones tonight :) . I hope my autos make an appearance soon!
  11. HIGHsenberg420

    Planting my seeds. Help please.

    Should i turn my t8 lights on now, or wait until the sprout pops out and start my cycle then?
  12. HIGHsenberg420

    Planting my seeds. Help please.

    Whats a good rule of thumb for watering? I fell like if im gonna mess anything up it will ne the watering haha
  13. HIGHsenberg420

    Planting my seeds. Help please.

    thanks guys, much appreciated! They are in the soil now, being patient sucks!
  14. HIGHsenberg420

    Planting my seeds. Help please.

    Hey all, getting ready to plant my 3 seeds I got today. All 3 are autos. I will not be germinating them before I put them in the soil. I got some good soil from a local grow shop, I have 2 #3 pots and a few 7L pots. My questions are firstly, since they are Autos I will not be transplanting...