couple questions about my sprouts....

Planted these seeds the other day, the first one broke soil tuesday, the other 2 on wed.. All 3 are autos, have been under (4) 4 foot t8 lights 24/7. Ive misted them with water but today is the first day i actually watered them. They are in good soil. The lights are about 8 inches from the canopy.

I have a 1000w MH to put them under but im thinking i should wait till they are a little bigger. Temp in the room varies between 74-82 and humidity is 65-75 %.

They seem like the are growing super slow compared to some shit seeds ive grown before outside,

Is there anything i should be doing differently? Any pointers or advice would be great! Thanks.

One still has seed matter on it also.



Active Member
Looks like they've got a lot of room for the roots to stretch out, and I think that may slow the growth down....but it's only been a few days so who knows. Also don't put them under the MH yet, that much light will def be too much for little seedlings. GL though, keep em green!
Hello m8 , wouldnt worry just yet had the same thing with me auto td but it's bounced back.
It's 5wks and although a little small has a good 16 flowering heads coming on great now.