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  1. New guy joe

    Help please with insulation

    Slowly and painfully. Had a root canal get infected and had to be surgically removed. Btw I posted another thread about room size and plants number. If anyone could go over to it and give some expertise I would be thankful.
  2. New guy joe

    Passive air intake calculation questions

    Tents arnt well insulated and this will be in an area that needs extra insulation. High summer temps and low winter. Also I can build two rooms for like 175$ - piece So the price difference isn't to much different.
  3. New guy joe

    Sizing my rooms, pot sizes, amount of plants?

    Hello guys. I will do a run down of my equipment and area I have to build in. My hopes is I can find the most successful set up for higher potential yeilds. First off this will be my first indoor grow. Lights, 1000w mh and hps x2 each 4bulb 2 foot t5 (for cloner) Hoods, 6" sun system...
  4. New guy joe

    Passive air intake calculation questions

    I want to be able to move these rooms into a garage when I move. Most garages have a 7' clearance so to be able to roll one in I would have to keep it around 6'.
  5. New guy joe

    Passive air intake calculation questions

    Actually I understand what I would need to do but it would consist on me buying a dehumidifier, split a/c and another exhaust fan which atm is not in the budget so I will hold out on co2 until I can afford to upgrade my grow into a sealed room. Thank you though because it will save me 100$s in...
  6. New guy joe

    Passive air intake calculation questions

    I have a variable speed controller and thermostat controller. How would I set up a closed room? I've tried reseaching it but havnt found an understandable set up. If you could point me in the right direction my flowering room would be forever grateful.
  7. New guy joe

    Passive air intake calculation questions

    Great idea and chart. I will just purchase the 10'' screen and start with a 8 '' hole. This is my first indoor grow and this forum has been so incredibly helpful!
  8. New guy joe

    Passive air intake calculation questions

    hello so my rooms are going to be 5'x5'x6'. Running carbon filter through a 6" 400 cfm inline exhaust fan through a/c hood then out of the room. I plan on having a passive air intake the question is what size does it need to be to still have negative pressure? 8"? 10"? Or 12" Prefer it to be...
  9. New guy joe

    Help please with insulation

    Very aware of the rain I've lived here for 22 years :). Stays very dry inside this.
  10. New guy joe

    Help please with insulation

    This isn't the one I'm working with exactly ( different color) but this is what it is. Size is roughy , 20'x10'x10' 10' highest point of the roof , 7' is the lowest.
  11. New guy joe

    Help please with insulation

    Eugene area.
  12. New guy joe

    Help please with insulation

    Totally makes sense man. A vapor barrier for the outside would only be about 15$ per room.
  13. New guy joe

    Help please with insulation

    Since summer will have condensation on the outside and winter condensation on the inside. Would it be smart to put a vapor barrier on the outside, and then one on the inside as well. Correct me if I'm wrong is panda film 6 mil considered a vapor barrier.
  14. New guy joe

    Help please with insulation

    Trolololo If someone can answer my question in regard to @countrypickle idea of sealing the outside of my box I would be grateful. I will be buying my supplies come Tuesday for this build.
  15. New guy joe

    Help please with insulation

    I asked purely out of curiosity, I had surgery on my mouth and can't smoke so sorry if I'm fucking irritable.
  16. New guy joe

    Help please with insulation

    yes and yes I used it in a room I had...(have to reinvent this year.. kids getting too big as is thier curiousity....). best thing about it is that every 6 mtnhs to a year.. take it down soak in cleaner.. put it back up.. u can get it in diffrent sizes or like I said.. just wait till...
  17. New guy joe

    Help please with insulation

    I've prepared for issues to arise, climate, humidity, pests, deficiency, power outage, equipment breaking, mold etc. these will be in the area for 2 grows then be moving into a garage with more stable conditions and less worries.
  18. New guy joe

    Help please with insulation

    Can we please take sound needs to a different thread.
  19. New guy joe

    Help please with insulation

    One more thing @countrypickle this won't be outside exposed to elements it's in a covered and zipped up portable garage. The way you worded I can tell if you mean to put the plastic sheets on top of the foam boards on the inside or on top of the OSB on the outside. Because the outside won't...
  20. New guy joe

    Help please with insulation

    For like the 6th time SOUND DOES NOT MATTER IN MY CASE. I thank you all for sharing information but I do not need it. @countrypickle wow this corrugated plastic cardboard would save me so much hassle and a few bucks. Best tip I've got so far! I'm surprised I haven't heard of anyone else using...