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  1. R

    I'm doing something terribly wrong :(

    This is annoying. Last time I posted a picture of this in the Problems forum someone told me it was root rot and to stop watering when I planted them -.-
  2. R

    I'm doing something terribly wrong :(

    A few days ago I posted pics of a seed I had germinated and recieved advice from a member on whether it was ready to plant and how to plant it. I put it in the soil, didn't water it (to avoid root rot) and once again it...
  3. R

    Is this ready to plant? Pic Inside

    Okay thanks so much mate :) Hopefully this goes well! Planting the baby now
  4. R

    Is this ready to plant? Pic Inside

    Oh and also, I have 2x250watt CFL bulbs to start the growing with, how close should they be at the start? And how much water should the plant need the first week when it is sprouting? I noticed that the CFLs up close dry out the soil fast near the top
  5. R

    Is this ready to plant? Pic Inside

    Yeah, I had read both things on the internet which is why I was confused! Are both correct then? Is one way better? Also how far under should I plant it at this stage?
  6. R

    Is this ready to plant? Pic Inside

    Hey Guys, I have had so many problems getting my germinated seeds to sprout after placing them in soil! So I thought I'd ask if this looks ready to plant? Also, exactly how should I position it in the soil? Thanks so much!
  7. R

    Plant looks completely and utterly doomed.

    I just binned the plant, the roots never grew in properly after repotting it
  8. R

    Plant looks completely and utterly doomed.

    How do you get salt burn? I'll tell you when all hell broke loose with this plant really, I repotted it and then it just went to shite :(
  9. R

    Plant looks completely and utterly doomed.

    Are these orange markings nitrogen defficiency? The plant hasn't grown at all in like a week. I am thinking of just binning it and starting again and taking more care. :(
  10. R

    Plant has stopped growing! Pictures Inside

    Hi Tyke, The only reason people had recommended nuts is that its an autoflowering strain so they said it needed them early. Also, I am adding better exhaust/intake this week. Also I added a 2nd 250 CFL so now the plant has 500w CFL close up. It does actually seem to be improving slightly...
  11. R

    Plant has stopped growing! Pictures Inside

    I grew Lowryder #2 automatic before and they turned out great for lowryder plants... I was expecting this to be just as good? I guess not then....
  12. R

    Plant has stopped growing! Pictures Inside

    Nope it is not a clone. I have no idea what to do with it :( I really need some advice on how to get it flourishing. If you need any more details please ask away!
  13. R

    Plant has stopped growing! Pictures Inside

    I went into the thread and can't find the word "Bonsai" anywhere?
  14. R

    Plant has stopped growing! Pictures Inside

    Hey Guys, I have been having problems with this plant, see the previous thread here: Strain: Easy Ryder Light: 250w CFL Soil: Bio-Bizz All-Mix I decided to cut the leaves off the very bottom (The...
  15. R

    My Plant is not looking healthy!! Pics inside

    I watered it and gave it some balanced nuts and its still not really grown at all overnight, when can i expect it to start shooting up again?
  16. R

    My Plant is not looking healthy!! Pics inside

    The leaves at the bottom have gone real dry and crispy now and could just break off like potato chips
  17. R

    My Plant is not looking healthy!! Pics inside

    Okay basically there aren't any shops near me to get fertiliser i've got two things available to me at the present time in my posession. One is a fairly weak fertilizer which is about 6-5-5 and then i have a flowering fert which is 0-49-32... what should I do? wait 4-5 days for something to...
  18. R

    My Plant is not looking healthy!! Pics inside

    is that why i have a huge array of tiny leaves as well?
  19. R

    My Plant is not looking healthy!! Pics inside

    Okay I am really confused, why does my plant look so weird? Why does it have so many tiny leaves?
  20. R

    My Plant is not looking healthy!! Pics inside

    Hey guys... Is this plant dying? It isn't looking healthy at all! It sprouted about 2.5 weeks ago and a lot of the leaves are looking droopy/dying.... also it was growing very fast but it appears the last few days its growth has somewhat stunted It's an easy ryder plant growing in Bio-Buzz...