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    Lighting question

    HA, well it looks like im waiting for my 400 watt to get here. Ty.
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    Lighting question

    I just bought a 400 watt ballast and they diddnt send the bulb, could i put a 70 watt HPS bulb i got from lowes in it? wouldit hurt the ballast or anyhitng?
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    whats the difference in ballasts? is it energy saving or more energy?
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    SO you say that the 400 watt is beter then the 600?
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    ValuBrite 600 watt HPS Grow Light WAs gonna get this lighting fixture b/c it was cheap and looks like it can do the job, with the bulb upgrade. what you think?
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    Light options

    Does any1 have anything they can reccommend for there first light system ( HPS Wise ) For a beginner?
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    Light options

    Where is the best place to Ordor whole light systems? Trustworthy.
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    The longer you hold in the smoke the higher you get???

    Check this out When smoking marijuana 4 medical purposes.Will it affect me the same holding a hit in long compared to short? - Yahoo! Answers