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  1. Devish

    400w RDWC, Arduino Controlled - Starbud & Sour Amnesia

    OK - note to anyone who think of using ozone. Be smart. I stupidly, likely, dosed myself with o3 by entering the room after the o3 generator was on. F'n stupid. The more I read about ozone, the scarier it is.. that thing is going back on the shelf till I find an alternative to killing germs.
  2. Devish

    400w RDWC, Arduino Controlled - Starbud & Sour Amnesia

    Forgot about an ozone generator I had.. long story. Hooked it up to a venturi on my res circulating pump. Initially, it seemed to work great. Today, plants look droopy again. Tried dosing for 30mins. Good. Dosing for 15mins, looking droopy. I'm stuffing the ozone to the water venturi for...
  3. Devish

    RDWC - Cleaning water - UV or Ozone ???

    Old thread... but curious whatever happened to ozone discussion? I've got a terrible case of pythium and happen to have a ozone generator. It is a small-ish unit @ 6gms per day output, designed for cleaning swimming pool water. Hooked it up to my res verturi and am waiting to see results...
  4. Devish

    400w RDWC, Arduino Controlled - Starbud & Sour Amnesia

    Plants started wilting again with brown roots. So, yesterday eve was a complete scrub-down, res change, refill, add clear-rez. Air-stones were covered in 1/8" film of slime. Sand filter was filled with slime. Roots were filled with slime. Cleaned everything the best I could, with strong...
  5. Devish

    400w RDWC, Arduino Controlled - Starbud & Sour Amnesia

    Update. I upped the nutrients last night to 600ppm, dunked netpots and and washed roots in the RES. Showing signs of improvement this morning (mid-afternoon for them). Phew, maybe the microbes are working after all?
  6. Devish

    400w RDWC, Arduino Controlled - Starbud & Sour Amnesia

    Well, today plants are looking a bit droopy again. Checked roots, they have dark spots and look like thy have more slime than before. The subculture B & M made the RES so brown, it is like mud. Not sure if the roots are brown from the good or bad microrganisms. Again, very frustrating. Not...
  7. Devish

    400w RDWC, Arduino Controlled - Starbud & Sour Amnesia

    FU Pythium!!! This means war, my microbes are kicking some ass right now. Wow. 24hrs after adding Subculture B & M, there is already a noticeable improvement. Plants were looking very heavy before bedtime last night. Subculture B & M were added to the RES. RES level was raised about 1"...
  8. Devish

    400w RDWC, Arduino Controlled - Starbud & Sour Amnesia

    All plants still in stable, or declining health. Bleach stabilized and reversed decline briefly but it seems the decline has begun again for two plants. Starting Subculture M. I'll take a dirty RES and PIA beneficial microbes over plant loss. Hard to tell if bleach is just getting used...
  9. Devish

    400w RDWC, Arduino Controlled - Starbud & Sour Amnesia

    Well, my res temps typically fluctuate between 65-68, it has only hit 70 for a half day in two weeks. I monitor all this via the controller I built. I could bump it down a bit, but going much below 65 seems a bit much. Still, I thought all the BS I went through to keep the RES at 65 would pay...
  10. Devish

    400w RDWC, Arduino Controlled - Starbud & Sour Amnesia

    Shit! The Pythium strikes again. I've kept the RES at 70 or cooler for the entire grow so far, this really pisses me off. Not too surprising, given I battled it last grow - you can only sterilize so much apparently. I bleached and h2o2'd everything very carefully before starting this grow...
  11. Devish

    400w RDWC, Arduino Controlled - Starbud & Sour Amnesia

    All plants improving. Found a chart from Undercurrent that recommends a declining PH, from 6.3 - 5.5 to harvest. I upped the PH to 6.1 as suggested. I've turned too many knobs to know which was the right one, but something seems to have helped. At the end of day 25 Starbud Sour Amnesia
  12. Devish

    400w RDWC, Arduino Controlled - Starbud & Sour Amnesia

    Day 25 from seed. The RES change seems to have done some rejuvination. Initially, the plants looked droopy after the swap. I increased the water level slightly, that may have waterlogged the new roots. Lowered water level by 1" and upped nutes to 400ppm (increase from 300). Starbud Sour...
  13. Devish

    400w RDWC, Arduino Controlled - Starbud & Sour Amnesia

    Day 24 Flushed the DWC water last night. Upon draining, I found lots of crap in the water... slime. Not sure if it was dead or alive, it has been 3 weeks since I last changed RES. I have been adding H2o2 regularly (low doses, 2ml per gallon). Although I scrubbed the crap out of this system...
  14. Devish

    400w RDWC, Arduino Controlled - Starbud & Sour Amnesia

    12-23 Made a system adjustment in the res cooling. Had not insulated the controller bucket nor recirculation hose, and could not keep res temps below 70. Now, they are both insulated, also covered small gaps / openings to keep cold air in better. Res temp cooling system now able to keep up...
  15. Devish

    400w RDWC, Arduino Controlled - Starbud & Sour Amnesia

    12-21 Seedling roots have all touched down in the water. They are slightly yellow, which worries me. I double-checked General Hydro's website for PPM info - and they call out for 400ppm. Rookie mistake #3 (believing posts rather than reading manufacturers info). Adjusted nutrient PPM to 400...
  16. Devish

    Hortilab's StarBud is finally out in seed!!

    Just noticed this thread. FYI, just started a Starbud grow and log. 4 seeds started, 4 seedlings growing. here, if you wish to follow:
  17. Devish

    400w RDWC, Arduino Controlled - Starbud & Sour Amnesia

    12-17 Let Bubbling Begin! wahahaha <evil laugh> Turned on the air, checked the PH and PPM. Good to go. Some photos. The setup. A converted attic space. Roots are coming out nicely. They are ready to begin sprtizing with bubbles from 2" or so down. A Starbud seedling, looking a...
  18. Devish

    400w RDWC, Arduino Controlled - Starbud & Sour Amnesia

    12/16 Flushed pots with PH'd water last night and diluted PPMs in res to 250 from 400! I'm still doing rookie, dumb moves. Three of the netpots now have one or two roots sticking out and heading down to the res water. My one seedling that alerted me something was wrong (leaves curled under -...
  19. Devish

    400w RDWC, Arduino Controlled - Starbud & Sour Amnesia

    400w RDWC, Arduino Controlled - Starbud & Sour Amnesia So, I decided to start a journal for this grow, mostly to help keep track of the grow. I'm growing feminized Starbud and Sour Amnesia (from seed). 4 plants total, two of which are 'guaranteed' to be females and two I am rolling the dice...