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  1. K

    Yellowing leaves

    ya, i'm switching to sensi bloom part a and b for sure...when you say to only add half the nutes when I first start flowering do you mean about 1/2 tspn/gal?
  2. K

    Yellowing leaves

    ok thanks for hte help guys...i can post more pics, but what do you want me to take them of? That's pretty much the worse it looks on any plants
  3. K

    Buckets heavier than others

    sweet thanks...i was hoping it wasn't a draining problem
  4. K

    Yellowing leaves

    i'm actually about to start flowering in about a week so should I just keep using plain water before then?
  5. K

    Yellowing leaves

    heres a pic...
  6. K

    Buckets heavier than others

    A few of my plants are a lot heavier than other ones even after they drain out...even smaller plants are heavier than big ones. is this anything to worry about? could it be a salt build up?
  7. K

    Flush before flowering?

    i meant to ask SHOULD i flush my plants with plain water before I put them into flowering? not at the end of flowering...and 3 weeks? don't you think that is a little too soon?
  8. K

    Flush before flowering?

    How long before I start to flower should I flush on each watering and not add any nutes?
  9. K

    Yellowing leaves

    I'm using Sensi Grow part A and B right now...Should I just use water without nutes on next watering?
  10. K

    Do I need a soil pH tester?

    Hey, If I test the pH of my waster before watering shouldn't the soil balance itself out? Is there really a need for me to test the soil as well?
  11. K

    Yellowing leaves

    Hey, My plant is about 7-8 weeks into vegetative...At first, the bottom vegetative leaves began to turn yellow and eventually crisped and fell off, which I was told was natural. As the plant get taller the vegetative leaves towards the bottom are becoming more and more yellow. Is this anything...
  12. K

    Flowering plant growth?

    If I start to flower my plant at about 2 ft for 6-8 weeks, how much more sohuld I expect my plant to grow in height?
  13. K

    Sign of underwatering?

    What are some of the signs of under watering? I water my 7-8 week old plants in 5 gal buckets about 700-800 every 3 days, or until dry.
  14. K

    Water until it drains??

    Hey, I have plants about 7-8 weeks into vegetative and I have them in 5 gal buckets...I water them about 700-800mL and there isn't any drainage, but it seems like htat would be enough...Any suggestions?
  15. K

    Switching nutes for flowering

    I'm currently using sensi 2 part grow nutes...when I switch to the bloom nutes should I start back out using a very diluted mixture or start at hte amount I leave off with the grow nutes?
  16. K

    How often should I UP the nutes?

    thanks...can anyone explain this better to me? too little is better than too less? i don't get it...
  17. K

    Am I watering my plants enough?

    I've been watering my 8-9 week old plants with about 400ml, maybe a bit more. Should I be adding more than this? I have them in 5 gal buckets and they don't really get any drainage.
  18. K

    How often should I UP the nutes?

    I started at about 1tspn/gal of sensi bloom part a and b. My plants are about 8-9 weeks old and I'm giving them about 1.6-1.7 tspns/gal now. Should I be adding more than that by now? Thanks
  19. K

    Cut vegetative leaves?

    pic example...
  20. K

    bottom yellow leaves

    here is a pic...