How often should I UP the nutes?


Well-Known Member
I started at about 1tspn/gal of sensi bloom part a and b. My plants are about 8-9 weeks old and I'm giving them about 1.6-1.7 tspns/gal now. Should I be adding more than that by now? Thanks


Well-Known Member
thanks...can anyone explain this better to me? too little is better than too less? i don't get it...


Well-Known Member
i dont get it either. i think he didnt think about what he was writing. i think he means less is better than too much. too much will burn the leaves and then they wont perform their job the way they are suppose to.

i dont use ntes though so i cant help you.


Well-Known Member
its better to give them a bit on the shy side then it is to overferilize them and have them burnt and stressed


yes extrort was right sorry wake and bake didnt clearly think that one through, its better to add to little than to much thats what i meant lol my b