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  1. Hashishin

    1st CFL grow to outdoor at 1260m (4120ft)!!!!!!!!!!

    Now that we all know whats up, can anyone diagnose my deficiant plant cause I'm gonna hit him with nutes today and has anyone ever grown at altitude? Thanks!
  2. Hashishin

    1st CFL grow to outdoor at 1260m (4120ft)!!!!!!!!!!

    Ya that's what I was thinking!! lol :blsmoke:
  3. Hashishin

    1st CFL grow to outdoor at 1260m (4120ft)!!!!!!!!!!

    That's right I must of worded it wrong, haha!! Yes this is my Elevation!!!!
  4. Hashishin

    1st CFL grow to outdoor at 1260m (4120ft)!!!!!!!!!!

    well here we are at day 11 and some interesting things to point out, I had to adjust my tap water pH, I bought a pool kit that tests to 6.8 so I lowered it out to that level. My tap water was at about 7.8 or so. Also I added a 40 watt CFL to my set up as well as another 27 watt CFL and...
  5. Hashishin

    1st CFL grow to outdoor at 1260m (4120ft)!!!!!!!!!!

    Well here it goes, I'm living at 1260m above sea level and have started my first cfl/outdoor high elevation grow!!! I will update this thread as I move along in my task. I'm at a special location in the mountains where we get very good sun exposure and good average summer temp/rainfall and you...
  6. Hashishin

    What is this guy?!?!?!?!

    Not really sure, I have another of this strain that is quite a bit taller about 9-11" and very wide. This one is only about 4-5" and needs to grow more both are a month in but the smaller one was stunted for some reason. Yours are 9" and 4 weeks? I would need to know more or see them in a pic...
  7. Hashishin

    What is this guy?!?!?!?!

    Sweet thanks rsixxer!!!!
  8. Hashishin

    What is this guy?!?!?!?!

    This Plant has been grown from seed under cfl's and natural light it. Here's the strange part is started as a regular plant would start from germ but when it sprouted it had 3 round starting leaves and has gone on to make an new set of three normal leaves with continued growth. Anyone know what...
  9. Hashishin

    Slooowww growth

    Wow, I have almost the same set up(w/sun/cfl/peatpots) and guess what?? slow growth too. I was giving the newly germinated plants 20+ hours of light on both sun and a 27w cfl. I needed more light so I might set up 5 more lights or move them to only sunlight. I also transplanted 5 in pots to see...
  10. Hashishin

    Yellow leaves, young plants!! could this turn bad???

    Can anyone tell me if these lower yellow leaves are a sign of anything??? I've been veggin them w/24 hr light but have reduced to 20hrs with natural light and unnatural light in a 2' wide 3' deep 2' tall space using a sinlge 37watt CFL. no nutes added. watering when soil is dry to an Inch deep...
  11. Hashishin

    Tips Curling and spots, over fert??

    Again I'm dumb, thats a florescent light at 37w, oops!
  12. Hashishin

    Some random problems, searching for advice

    I'm dumb, thats a florescent light at 37w, oops!
  13. Hashishin

    Some random problems, searching for advice

    All plants pictured have been growing in the room pictured under the 37 watt halogen bulb pictured. I have been giving them 24hr light which I plan on cutting back after reading some posts. Also the closet has an temp that is slightly above room temp. The door is opened a few time a day for air...
  14. Hashishin

    Tips Curling and spots, over fert??

    This plant showed these signs in about three days just to the lower two sets of leaves, I think there may be over feeding involved but I wasn't sure, it was under a 37w halogen light in an open room. New growth is unchanged and continues.