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  1. A

    new this is my first grow

    6 45s those things are not cheap
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    new this is my first grow

    yes i just put in the cfl
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    new this is my first grow

    out take is just opening and intake is a fan with tubing run into room the outake is located at the top of the room to help remove rising heat
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    new this is my first grow

    do these cfl bulb put off alot of heat i am fighting to keep the heat in the room below 80
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    new this is my first grow

    i am new to this and i am doing it just so i can see how good of a quality plant i can grow 6500k and 2700k cfl light does the numbers mean different light spectrum
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    new this is my first grow

    ok i will go get a cfl today
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    new this is my first grow

    i just got this to sprout up i have one more should sprout anytime now this is my first grow i am using miracle grow potting soil i cheap cone shaped light with a flood in it a air purifier blowing control humidity by hanging damp towels temp is at 75 humidity is 65 i am using a 18/6 light cycle...