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  1. xxnickxx

    60watt bulb in tiny grow box

    i got one like this thats 100w
  2. xxnickxx


    u think it would still grow right?
  3. xxnickxx


    im just trying to make it sprout quicker
  4. xxnickxx

    Just planted germinated beaners!!

    you think it will still grow if i water it every day i mean its like a root sticking out with a beaner on top??
  5. xxnickxx

    60watt bulb in tiny grow box

    im starting them in their until they start sprouting leaves and im using a 100w white round bulb is that okay?
  6. xxnickxx


    u think its still going to be okay? i mean the stalk is purpleish brown?
  7. xxnickxx


    Hi, i just planted my germinated beaners(2) and one of them i put a little bit below the soil and the other one a little bit sticking the one sticking out had the root going from in the soil to the beaners still popping out of the soil is that okay or notits been 1 day sence planted and...
  8. xxnickxx

    Just planted germinated beaners!!

    Hi, i just planted my germinated beaners(2) and one of them i put a little bit below the soil and the other one a little bit sticking the one sticking out had the root going from in the soil to the beaners still popping out of the soil is that okay or notits been 1 day sence planted and...
  9. xxnickxx

    Just planted germinated beaners!!

    Hi, i just planted my germinated beaners(2) and one of them i put a little bit below the soil and the other one a little bit sticking the one sticking out had the root going from in the soil to the beaners still popping out of the soil is that okay or notits been 1 day sence planted and...
  10. xxnickxx

    Just planted germinated beaners!!

    Hi, i just planted my germinated beaners(2) and one of them i put a little bit below the soil and the other one a little bit sticking the one sticking out had the root going from in the soil to the beaners still popping out of the soil is that okay or notits been 1 day sence planted and...
  11. xxnickxx

    60watt bulb in tiny grow box

    im growin it under my bed its all inches tall and 11 inches wide with a 60w bulb and my question was would i sprout and grow good till it gets bigger?
  12. xxnickxx

    Just planted germinated beaners!!

    someone please answerrrr???!!!!
  13. xxnickxx

    60watt bulb in tiny grow box

    You think i can use a 60watt bulb in a 11inch by 11inch box till the plant starts getting big?
  14. xxnickxx

    Just planted germinated beaners!!

    Hi, i just planted my germinated beaners(2) and one of them i put a little bit below the soil and the other one a little bit sticking the one sticking out had the root going from in the soil to the beaners still popping out of the soil is that okay or notits been 1 day sence planted and...
  15. xxnickxx

    Just planted germinated beaners!!

    Hi, i just planted my germinated beaners(2) and one of them i put a little bit below the soil and the other one a little bit sticking the one sticking out had the root going from in the soil to the beaners still popping out of the soil is that okay or notits been 1 day sence planted and...