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  1. M

    Male? Female? Hermi?

    Yea, but it also has what I think are the beginnings of pistils, not sure as of yet, tho. I don't have any females, it's my only plant so I've nothing to lose really. If it is a hermi, I'm gonna try to get as much as I can from it.
  2. M

    Male? Female? Hermi?

    Chop it? I thought that hermies could still be harvested, albeit with a decent blow to your yield?
  3. M

    Male? Female? Hermi?

    Judging from that I'm leaning toward hermi. Still not 100%, tho. Pretty sure mine has pollen sacks, but are the tops of male plants supposed to have little white fibers? Those are what's making me think it's hermi. I know time will tell for sure, just don't wanna take the time and effort if it...
  4. M

    Male? Female? Hermi?

    First time grow, started flower about a week or so ago. Done a bit of research on sexing but for some reason I can't seem to find anything that leaves me with comfortable answer. I see what looks like pollen sacks, but the tops have white parts, and some of the pollen sacks look like they could...
  5. M

    First Time Grower Seeking Tips

    Alright, time for an update: After a very slow "rehab" for my plant, I think it's looking way better. Just my opinion, though. Tell me what you guys think. I also think I'm starting to see pistils, so pretty sure it's a female, as I don't see the pre-pollen sacks that you see on other male...
  6. M

    First Time Grower Seeking Tips

    Funny that you posted this, because today when I checked on them I noticed one of the 2's rigid leaves aren't flat anymore, instead they're stood straight up toward the new 23w light, happened within 12 hours of the new light. Good signs it seems :D I found a way cheaper LED light, it's shaped...
  7. M

    First Time Grower Seeking Tips

    You've been very helpful, cheers. I'll keep the lights on them, alternating into sunlight during the day, and I left the ceiling fan on to give them a breeze due to the CFL's heat, just to be safe. Kinda have to make special accommodations for 'em to keep the house at 70, (I usually keep my...
  8. M

    First Time Grower Seeking Tips

    I just wanted to update. I have the same 23w 2700k cfl on it now, and I added another cfl, only it's a 13w, just for the extra benefit. I have reflective material around the 2nd lamp since it doesn't have reflectors, and I have it in a room under a ceiling fan light combo that's housing 5 more...
  9. M

    First Time Grower Seeking Tips

    I appreciate all the info. I was looking at hps lights and hid lights online to try and get an idea of what I need. I'm worried about using those simply because of the reported power increase. I know of two growers/dealers that both got busted by the cops investigating a "power spike". I did...
  10. M

    First Time Grower Seeking Tips

    Just got the first upgrade to my setup, got myself a 23w 2700k 1600 lumen bulb, and have it set up in an office lamp (figured the reflectors would help) I have it as close as I feel is safe to the plants, 2-3 inches. However, most of my research points to me needing 3-4 of these types per plant...
  11. M

    First Time Grower Seeking Tips

    See? Now this is much better, thank you. From what I've read you need to "just" feel the heat on the back of your hand from the plant. In that area, that's the closest I can get it. I'm working on getting an actual setup going, but until then, this is better than a basic bulb, no?
  12. M

    First Time Grower Seeking Tips

    You seem to say alot, without really offering any advice. I'm learning, hence the title "First Time Grower". I'm working with what I have and what little knowledge I have, which isn't much. So I'd really appreciate it if you'd let off with the douchy criticism. I came here for tips and advice to...
  13. M

    First Time Grower Seeking Tips

    I took some time to look in all the nooks and crannies in my apt, and found what I think is a suitable place, in the top of the closet that houses the a/c unit. It has a bulb outlet not even a ft away from the top, so it should be close enough for the plants to not stretch, (hopefully). This is...
  14. M

    First Time Grower Seeking Tips

    Well being in an apartment, I don't really have the sense of security that a homeowner would. This is just kinda dipping my feet into the water. If all goes well, once I actually own my own home, I may keep a steady grow going.
  15. M

    First Time Grower Seeking Tips

    Your plants are roughly as old as mine, and look at 'em. Damn, man I messed this grow up big time.
  16. M

    First Time Grower Seeking Tips

    Well I've ran into my first problem today. I put my plants outside, to get some natural lighting, as it'll be a few days before I can get a lighting setup, and my cat decided that the plants made a perfect playtoy. -.- I'm now down to 2 out of 5 plants. The stalks aren't damaged but he did...
  17. M

    First Time Grower Seeking Tips

    Yea that's another reason I was leaning away from a standard lighting setup. I was thinking of using my spare bedroom, putting a quilt over the window, and having 2 small lamps on the plant at all times, until flowering. Only other thing I'm worried about is those 2 types of bulbs on 24/7 might...
  18. M

    First Time Grower Seeking Tips

    I took your advice and just did some research. It seems that the best thing for me at this point would be 2 lights, one MH, and one HPS. Those should give enough blue spectrum light for leafy growth and the HPS for budding/flowing. What do you think?
  19. M

    First Time Grower Seeking Tips

    What's wrong with clay pots? @Anotherlover Damn, your plants put mine to shame in the worst way possible, haha But like I said, that's why I'm here, live and learn. Dunno if I wanna make a cab and server though. I'm looking for mainly a one time harvest, smallest plant, with maximum yield...
  20. M

    First Time Grower Seeking Tips

    I don't mind the harshness, honestly. I have no idea what I'm doing, and that's why I'm here, lol. I appreciate all the advice, and I'll definitely start working on fixing my setup if there's no chance of it working in it's current status. Until I can get the lights, what would be my best bet. I...