First Time Grower Seeking Tips


New Member
Funny that you posted this, because today when I checked on them I noticed one of the 2's rigid leaves aren't flat anymore, instead they're stood straight up toward the new 23w light, happened within 12 hours of the new light. Good signs it seems :D

I found a way cheaper LED light, it's shaped like a spotlight bulb, but it has around 70-90 LED lights in it, it's supposed to cover the full spectrum so that you don't have to worry about changing when switching to flowering. I'm thinking about maybe taking one of the bulbs and switching them out next week when it gets into it's growth spurt. Can't seem to find any info that's 100% either way with LED's but, I don't think it would hurt.


There's a whole section in Indoor Growing - I think - about LEDs and though I've not used em myself, plenty of people seem to have great results with them. The plants in their pics look just as good as any grown with HPS/MH or CFL lighting: just as big, healthy and quick growing.

Specific lights and bulbs might be trickier to find reviews about, but LEDs in general look like a perfectly viable option from what I've seen and read. All the LEDs I see it grow journals and pics people round here post seem to be made up of red and blue LEDs and give off - not surprisingly - purple light.

So iunno I suppose as long as the light is purple, should work as well as the more pricey lights. 8)


New Member
Alright, time for an update:

After a very slow "rehab" for my plant, I think it's looking way better. Just my opinion, though. Tell me what you guys think. I also think I'm starting to see pistils, so pretty sure it's a female, as I don't see the pre-pollen sacks that you see on other male plants. Any tips suggestions? I was also thinking of trimming a bit, dunno if it would do more harm than good, though. Thoughts, tips and suggestions welcome! :D

plant 2.jpgplant 1.jpg