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  1. negativeempire

    Hello, I think we live a little ways apart although there are ways to get things done through...

    Hello, I think we live a little ways apart although there are ways to get things done through other means. Anyway if you have any questions or need help with anything email me. just let me know it's you in the subject line
  2. negativeempire

    sales laws
  3. negativeempire

    Third Generation licensed indoor/outdoor grower and patient

    Such wonderful plants they maintain beauty even in death.
  4. negativeempire

    What do I look for in a new grower

    To the OP. I have read and followed some of your your post now and I can say contract. Get everything in writing ahead of time, all the details. I do this with all my patients. It protects the grower and the patient. It can also help to protect all parties against law enforcement. I wish I could...
  5. negativeempire

    Need a Grower

    I am in southern Oregon please see my profile for contact information and my thread here thank you.
  6. negativeempire

    Third Generation licensed indoor/outdoor grower and patient

    Third Generation licensed indoor/outdoor grower and patient looking to connect with patients that need a professional grower or just need help obtaining high quality medicine or perhaps just assistance. My wife and I are OMMP licensed growers that both work in the medical field. We are each...
  7. negativeempire

    Attention outdoor/indoor growers

    I work in the medical field I see death true pain and suffering all the time. A lot of seniors also use medical marijuana. Disability dose not pay much like you think, you need to better educate your self on charity and suffering. Some day maybe not till you are older you will know what that can...
  8. negativeempire

    Attention outdoor/indoor growers

    That time a year some did ok and some harvested enough to supply the whole town. Many patients as you know are on disability, low income or some other means of assistance. Many have trouble affording medicine or let alone get by. I ask you like myself to take a little time go down to your local...
  9. negativeempire

    Other good indoor plants?

    Papaver Somniferum, one of my favorites.
  10. negativeempire

    Couple of cfl's, big plants

    Actually two of those plant are blue berry northern lights a heavy indica one is strawberry cough a sativa.
  11. negativeempire

    Couple of cfl's, big plants

    I like this forum it's full of great knowledge and ideas. I respect what you guys do here with cfl's.