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  1. CPT. Kush

    White Widow Leaves Curling (PICS)

    I feed it Super Bloom 12-55-6
  2. CPT. Kush

    Top leaves curling

    O ok maybe that is the problem I am currently using Bloom Booster 12-55-6
  3. CPT. Kush

    White Widow Leaves Curling (PICS)

    I have an oscillating fan on during the 12 hours of lights on with a box fan pulling air up to the attic. Temp: 74-77. Humidity: 37-43% (I'm in Vegas humidity is difficult) Ph: Has never over 7 or under 6.2. Thanx.
  4. CPT. Kush

    White Widow Leaves Curling (PICS)

    The soil is dry in between watering, I use one of those meters to ensure the soil has dried out so that the roots can grow. -Thanx
  5. CPT. Kush

    White Widow Leaves Curling (PICS)

    Can someone help me to why my plants are curling at the top, they are white widow watered every 2 days, 18 inches from HPS 400w light and about 1 1/2 weeks into flowering. -Thanx
  6. CPT. Kush

    cali growers rx weed

    Bad Idea! If you fly clones back in checked baggage it will be far too cold and may shock the plant as the planes cargo bay is not insulated or pressurized for general baggage (In most cases). Drive to Canada like Canadian Knight said.
  7. CPT. Kush

    Help with sex...

    I do not recommend feminized seeds as they can be stressed seeds. I recommend vegging the seeds and cutting clones off of each of them. Flower the clones after they have rooted, and identify the males by looking for the pollen sacks (balls) and destroying both the male clone and the plant the...
  8. CPT. Kush

    Top leaves curling

    I do in fact have an oscillating fan on during the 12 hours of lights on with a box fan pulling air up to the attic. Temp: 74-77. Humidity: 43% (I'm in Vegas humidity is difficult). And what do you recommend using for potassium? Thanx eyerguy.
  9. CPT. Kush

    Top leaves curling

    Can someone help me to why my plants are curling at the top, they are white widow watered every 2 days, 18 inches from HPS 400w light and about 1 1/2 weeks into flowering. -Thanx