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  1. shizizzle

    Still not flowering...

    They are BC Pinewarp that I germed, they vegged under 1000w MH for 4 weeks before I put them outside on may 20th. Planted in 10g grow bags, in promix hp. The only thing I have given them every 4 weeks is the advanced nutrients spring/summer/fall food. Just started the fall blend. I am in...
  2. shizizzle

    Dont know what to do.....

    Nope, never used it, wanted to but didnt want to risk with the fish smell, I guess this guy just likes dirt or being a dick.
  3. shizizzle

    Dont know what to do.....

    Nope, havent used any fish ferts or anything with a smell because I knew they were in the area. been using the advanced nutrients spring/summer/fall blends is all. Also have water crystals in the soil, i dont think they have much of a smell so I dont know what this guys problem is. Killed...
  4. shizizzle

    Still not flowering...

    Ok, Aug 30 and still not flowering.....still no males showing....some are showing pre-flowers. At this rate they wont be done till late october, early november, i'm scared it will be too late now.
  5. shizizzle

    Dont know what to do.....

    This guy keeps knocking my plants over and ripping them up.....any ideas?
  6. shizizzle

    Looking for some Pros advice in room design.

    why would you recommend not to, power consumption?
  7. shizizzle

    vegging in large pots.

    So you would recommend vegging for 6 weeks if I was trying to grow 6ft plants? they will be vegging under 1000w MH
  8. shizizzle

    vegging in large pots.

    so how many times would you suggest transplanting. Would starting them in 2gallons and transplanting to 10gallon when i flip them be enough?
  9. shizizzle

    vegging in large pots.

    I am about to attempt to grow large trees indoor. I'm thinking of using 10gallon pots, should i plant my clones directly in the 10g pots, or should i plant them in 2g and then transplant? I was leaning towards planting them directly in the larger pots so I didnt shock them by transplanting. Is...
  10. shizizzle

    Looking for some Pros advice in room design.

    Starting another grow, looking for more advice. This is a legal grow. looking to grow 80 trees. Here is the dimensions i've got to work with. 30' x 27' and 9' x 45' 8ft ceilings in both. I'm looking to pull 1/2 lb per plant, will be growing them in soil, would 10g containers be enough or...
  11. shizizzle

    Still not flowering...

    I have a small geurilla grow and went out to check it, and noticed my plants still arent flowering and havent seen any males yet. They are BC Pinewarp, about 5-6ft so far, they were vegged indoors for about a month and put outside near the end of may, do they bloom late or is something wrong?
  12. shizizzle

    Grow bags outdoor, which soil/nutrients to use?

    I do realize that, the natural soil is too acidic and rocky so I have to haul all mine in. Any tips on what I should add to my promix-hp in the grow bags? I am mixing in some polymer crystals to hopefully reduce the amount of times I need to water. Should I add some guano or worm castings to...
  13. shizizzle

    Grow bags outdoor, which soil/nutrients to use?

    I am planting 40 pinewarps and 60 early wonder skunk autoflower outdoor in 10 gallon grow bags. I am just wondering what soil would be best to use. Can I just use promix-hp, or would there be a better choice? Also should I add any supplements into the soil? The plants have been vegged indoor...
  14. shizizzle

    2 bulb T5 from home depot

    Can I use a cheap 2 bulb mini-t5 fixture from home depot to start off my seedlings?? I will be transplanting them into my veg room under 2 1000w MH bulbs once the seedlings are 3" tall, will the 2 low output t5's be enough until then?
  15. shizizzle

    New grow room for growing trees

    I am designing a room to grow 10 large plants. Will be growing in 10-15g pots, this is the lighting I was thinking of using, if anyone has any knowledge they would like to share or point me in a different direction, feel free. 4 x 1000w hps with reflectors 3 x 400w hps to hang down in...
  16. shizizzle

    Mites 2.5 weeks into flower, question

    Thanks, so its ok to use the doktordoom bombs during flower?? Its practically impossible to avoid spraying on my buds, as the room is packed , and almost as difficult to remove the plants to treat them elsewhere, which has kept me from spraying Neem cause im scared the taste will stay in the buds.
  17. shizizzle

    Mites 2.5 weeks into flower, question

    Just spotted some mites on a few plants that are 2.5 weeks into flower, my question is, I have Scott's Ecosense Bug-B-Gone that I will be spraying tonite, I would also like to spray some Serenade as I've seen a few spots of PM. Can I spray those both on the same night?? And can I mix them...