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  1. budstikkengikk

    Help With Reflector.

    As you may know, I picked up a complete kit off a friend, 1k w Sunlight Supply Inc HPS ballast w\ "vertizontal reflector" for 150$...The reflector is nice but 4 FEET around. I am working with a 35" wide 4 foot long 7 foot high closet. Is their any cheap way to fix this. Also what do you...
  2. budstikkengikk

    1,000 watt Bagseed grow. First time. :)

    Longtime toker, First time grower. Been mureking around the forums for month's now (Was on Overgrow as a different name) and decided it was time when a friend offered me this 1k watter for 250$. Decided to use a closet. I have 18 seeds from various bags I have bought throughout 2008. I hope...
  3. budstikkengikk

    Cannabiogen Destroyer Marijuana seeds

    im going with red diesel only cause of the price. destroyer does look nice,cant seem to find any wider fotos of it...