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  1. C

    Dasani water in soil

    I just use publix bottled watter on mine there almost 5 inches tall and theve onyl been in dirt since tuesday
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    Question about lights

    That diy carbon filters whats up. appreceate the help
  3. C

    Question about lights

    Alrite cool thanks
  4. C

    Question about lights

    Alrite thanks. one other thing if i get a carbon filter and an exauhst fan does the carbon filter take the smell out?
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    Question about lights

    alrite thanks, i think im gona go with the inside sun its referbished but its got a 3 year warrenty on evrything except the bulb plus i just barely have enough money for that one right now i dont have anouther 30 or 40.. what would be the best and chepest way to do the sides of my box to reflcet...
  6. C

    Question about lights

    Alright i found this set up Econo 400w HPS with White Reflector - Inside Sun its got the ballist the refletor and 400watt hps bulb for 100 dollers i think its referbished, but i got 3 48inch long 40watt tube fluros can i use those for veg for right now and use my money to buy that 400watt set up...
  7. C

    Question about lights

    Well whats the cheapest 400watt i can get? i dont got that much money which is why i was gona use cfls i havnt seen any cheap 400watts anywere the 105watt cfls are only 30 dollers a light on here 2 to 200 Watt Compact Fluorescent Bulbs :
  8. C

    Question about lights

    Yea 6 plants, i was thinking about 3 85 watt cfls or maybe 2 or 3 105 watt cfs with 5000k or 6500k and probably reflectors and i was just gona do the flat white on the walls. would that provide enough light ?
  9. C

    Tearing off leaves?

    No im talking about just startign a new grow not cloning
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    Question about lights

    I built a grow room its 4' high x 3' wide x 2' deep i plan on putting somthing in it to attach my lights to and be able to lower up and down as they grow so i can keep the lights close about how many CFLs and what watts would be the best set up for this box?
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    Tearing off leaves?

    ya it dosent sound like a good idea but i wanted somone else opinion
  12. C

    Tearing off leaves?

    This is my first time growing and i heard that once the plants are about 3 or 4 inches tall u rip the leaves off to make them grow more buds is this true or will i just fuck up my plants?
  13. C

    Question about lights

    I built a grow room its 4' high x 3' wide x 2' deep i plan on putting somthing in it to attach my lights to and be able to lower up and down as they grow so i can keep the lights close about how many CFLs and what watts would be the best set up for this box?
  14. C

    Question about lights

    Ya ill be getting some better cfls prob next week or so but for right now just trying to use what i have.. one other thing i wanted to ask is it alrite to be bringing plants in from being outside in the sun all day and transfering it to a inside light?
  15. C

    Question about lights

    So just any fluorescent it dosent have to be a specific fluorescent? like a grow light or somthing i live in florida too so i dont have to worry about fost atleast for right now so i still have till about december to put them out.. but i just wanted to see if theres any way to help them with...
  16. C

    Question about lights

    I have never grown before so dont know much about how to do it right.. im growing outside all day for about 12 hours but they just raised above the dirt today and i read they need 18 hours a day of light.. im going to buy some lights by the end of this month but i dont have the money right now...
  17. C

    Do I leave them out?

    So just leave them outside all day? never bring them in? the heat wont bother them it gets pretty hott during the day round here
  18. C

    Do I leave them out?

    I live near Tampa, florida and this is my first ever grow so i dont know much atall about how to do this right.. I was going to grow my plants outside in my back yard the seeds just grew the first 2 green leaves yesterday in potting soil.. and i was wondering if i should leave my plants outside...
  19. C

    How long

    I live in central florida, im going to try and do an outdoor grow for right now, but would it get to hott and kill them if i leave them outside all day like from around 7am till dark?
  20. C

    How long

    I germinated my seeds and yesterday i planted my seeds in some potting soil and put them in the sun in my back yard.. this is my first time ever growing.. about how long will it take before i acctuly get a plant? and before i get the acctul plants do i leave the pots outside all day and night or...