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  1. Alioup

    my plants have no odor?!

    So a friend and I both started at the same time with 6 plants his is just bagseed and i invested in some krinkle kush freezeland. So we have the same setup with lights and such and the same nutrients. The only thing different is he doesn't have a fan on his and I have one going 24/7. The...
  2. Alioup

    So excited!!!!!

    I have to say i know for a fact this is true. As my main job is security. I work with a lot of wanna be cops or former RCMP/Police. Most of them are cool but only with their friends. So chances are campus police/security have a file on you. As every security company does for any incident big or...
  3. Alioup

    Best seed choice

    anything kush. very high high. high yields and good resistance to stress.
  4. Alioup

    23watt cfl's

    so for veggin these do you all think the 8 are ok or should i add a few more? i am definately going to try and reach 600 watts for flowering but i'm trying to figure now what is the easiest/cheapest and so i don't have 30 lights hanging..
  5. Alioup

    23watt cfl's

    Bought 8, 23w-6500k daylight cfl's today. wondering if that would be enough to veg 6 plants? taking into account they will not all be female i'm planning on using 12 23w-2700k for flowering, again is this enough?
  6. Alioup

    which is better for veg

    thanks! so idealy i'll need something with lots of watts and high k's but under 7000 for veg. and lots of watts but less k's for flowering. more watts=good,more yield k=the lights specs for growing
  7. Alioup

    which is better for veg

    ok i understand better now. i was going with the more watts the better. but i guess it should be the more k's the better? if i were to use 15w-6500k will i need a lot of lights b/c it has low watts?
  8. Alioup

    which is better for veg

    which is better for vegging with. a 45w 4100k. or a 15w 6500k? basically what i'm asking is if higher watts or the higher k's are better?
  9. Alioup

    How do I get bushy plants?

    How do I get my plants to be more bushy and full? Any plants i've grow so far don't seem to be as 'full' as most i see meaning they have few branches and such? is that because i am growing from seed and not clone?
  10. Alioup

    Lumens help

    So i read in the faq that the veg stage needs more lumens then the flowering stage. I always thought this was the opposite as the more light you have the more bud you will get during flowering? the faq states: Q. Which bulbs are for Vegetative Growth? A. 6500K (Daylight) Q. Which bulbs are for...
  11. Alioup

    Growing outdoor, indoor?

    What are the differences if i were to take some outdoor seeds and grew them indoor? bought some krinkle x kush x freezeland which are outdoor seeds but i have an indoor setup with CFL's. I know they will grow but will they actually flower? And will I have to watch them more closely?
  12. Alioup

    Growing Light Questions

    18!! your plants need time to chill so 18 is the ideal time
  13. Alioup

    911- leaves turning yellow

    the container is 7 liters with 3 small plants no bigger than 24 inches in them. I did transplant them into another container with more room and soil...lets hope that works. the roots were filling up the container but there was still a lot of soil left. so the roots probably had a little bit of...
  14. Alioup

    911- leaves turning yellow

    any chance of saving them?
  15. Alioup

    911- leaves turning yellow

    My leaves are turning yellow and crispy. I went away for 2 days but watered them before and as soon as i got home. when i got home i noticed the leaves were a little yellow and very crispy. i watered them with both the nurtient mix and just plain water. the buds on them are pretty full of resin...
  16. Alioup

    ima total noob at growing..its my first and i need help!

    i don't see hairs either but your pics aren't the greatest to tell. and no you won't get high from any of those leaves. even once the plant is mature the leaves have little thc in them which is why people make butter or other stuff with it.
  17. Alioup

    ima total noob at growing..its my first and i need help!

    she's a female! you'll see her fill up with white fuzzy hairs soon
  18. Alioup

    ima total noob at growing..its my first and i need help!

    when it hits 12 inches in height switch to 12/12 after 4-5 days..depending on will see the white hairs...if u don't you'll see a small sack under the stem instead of white hairs forming on top the stem. the sack showing is male
  19. Alioup

    ima total noob at growing..its my first and i need help!

    i say she is female. give her another day or two in 12/12 and you will see the little white hairs starting to sprout. check out my pic to see a female just showing her sex.
  20. Alioup


    Just wondering if trimming fan leaves and bigger leaves from buds when it is in later flowering stage is a good idea or bad? did it to my first plant and she seemed to enjoy it. resin seemed to condense onto the bud as i hoped. but is this i good idea or bad?