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  1. Alioup

    Time to harvest? Another Newbie

    cut most the leaves off b/c they were very long. thought it might keep nutrients and resin and such condensed to the bud. but as you can tell in the second pic i left the smaller ones was like i said only the big leaves i cut off...may have been a mistake but the plant seemed to like it...
  2. Alioup

    Time to harvest? Another Newbie

    This has been flowering since july 20th approx. When should she be done? seems to be taking forever but she is 4 feet tall. still unsure on how to tell when she is 80% to switch to pure water. what would you suggest? how far along is she? this is her as of today
  3. Alioup

    First Timer

    yea i let her go crazy thought it would be nice to get a tall one. molasses eh? how much? 1 tea spoon per liter or more? never heard of that before!
  4. Alioup

    First Timer

    My first time growing anything let alone weed. Started with a 150w CFL then bought a 200w and the girls loved it so i ended up with 3 200w and 1 150w. used shitty emergency heat blankets at first. then upgraded to black and white poly on the walls. used the cheapest things possible. used Micro...