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  1. HighMasterlow

    She has been flowing for a week and a few days, How does it look please comment!!

    Do you think I shoulde transplant her now??? I just watered her this morning I do see some roots coming out of the main drainage hole, but she seem perfectly fine. I just dont want any problems it all. take a look at the pot and will transplanting her put alot of strain on her???
  2. HighMasterlow

    She has been flowing for a week and a few days, How does it look please comment!!

    She looking really good and healthy. just wanted some expert opinons. Also can i take a clone or two now thanks let me know.
  3. HighMasterlow

    Should I flower now!!!! and is this a female!!!!! pics

    8 weeks I'm starting them 12/12 today at 7:00pm
  4. HighMasterlow

    Should I flower now!!!! and is this a female!!!!! pics

    Thanks for all the help. I will start to flower today at 7:00pm!!!
  5. HighMasterlow

    Should I flower now!!!! and is this a female!!!!! pics

    Havent put them on 12/12 Im thinking about I more week or now.
  6. HighMasterlow

    Should I flower now!!!! and is this a female!!!!! pics

    If you look at the pic with both plants the one in the back is the one im worried about, Its more taller and less leafs. But my baby in the front is a beast she gonna be beautiful.
  7. HighMasterlow

    Should I flower now!!!! and is this a female!!!!! pics

    I have two plants I think one is male not sure at this moment (Im so so hoping not) Should I start to flower with my 400 watt hps. The pic is the plant that I know is female (I hope!!)
  8. HighMasterlow

    Check out my new grow... is time for flowring??

    I just put them on the new 400watt mh wow is that light bright!! I will post pics and about a week or two. Hoping that they are both female :) Now I can use my fluorescent for cloning.
  9. HighMasterlow

    Check out my new grow... is time for flowring??

    Ok Thanks I think I will wait two weeks with new light.
  10. HighMasterlow

    Check out my new grow... is time for flowring??

    I'm a first time grower, I have two plants 6 weeks old. I'm getting a 400watt mh and hps light today. (There on a 125watt fluorescent!!!) Should I start flowring when I lights come,,, and what do you think please give me feed back.:leaf: dont know the strain, but one I got out of some good and...