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  1. Zonal

    Flowering Question

    I have checked everything twice, light schedule is right on the money. I have looked the girls over again from top to bottom. I am going to give it a couple more days and see what happens. If nothing changes I will start over again. I have kept a journal everyday, so the days in flowering...
  2. Zonal

    Flowering Question

    There are two other White Widows that are small, they are not showing any signs of flowering either. The girls seem to be healthy enough. These were from photoperiod beans, no autos. I have checked the timer several times. When the lights are off there is no way for direct light leaks. This...
  3. Zonal

    Flowering Question

    Smokinrav, yes I have seen the lights come on and go off, set for 12/12. The box temp averages around 82 degrees. PH is always 5.5 to 6.0. Rez temp average is about 76 degrees. I use the Lucas Formula, micro and bloom. I had one bag seed plant that turned out to be male, it is long gone. I...
  4. Zonal

    Flowering Question Hermie? What do you think?
  5. Zonal

    Flowering Question

    It is White Widow. Beans from BC. My grow box is a My Grow Buddy. The lights go off at 12 noon and come on at 12 midnight. The room is dark during the day, windows covered. The only time I have the doors open is when the lights are on, I do that to keep the box temps down.
  6. Zonal

    Flowering Question

    Billybob420, 27 days of veg then switch to 12/12. It is White Widow strain from BC. I am confused as to why she is not showing yet and I am concerned that I will have to cut her down.
  7. Zonal

    Flowering Question The room is very dark and no direct light leaks that can penetrate the grow cab. I am using T5s 6500K. I just don't know what the problem is.
  8. Zonal

    Flowering Question

    She was in Veg about 27 days before the 12/12 switch.
  9. Zonal

    Flowering Question Yes Smokinrav I do know what to look for, the white pistels. There are no direct light leaks at all when the lights are off. The...
  10. Zonal

    Flowering Question

    I have a White Widow in the 23rd day of Flowering. Using Lucas Formula. I am still looking for the pistels to show, but so far nothing I can see. Does anyone have an idea on how long into flowering it might be before she shows her sex? Input would be very much appreciated.:leaf:
  11. Zonal

    HELP.. Autoflower hyrdo grow.

    I would suggest that you raise your res with books to get it closer to the light. I used this box once and from my experience it was far to small. Good luck!
  12. Zonal

    Attitude Shipping

    I got my beans in about 9 days, just as advertised.
  13. Zonal

    "My Grow Buddy" cabinet

    Anyone who has used this cabinet or is using it. Have you had to do anything to improve the cabinet? Add fans or anything. Please share your ideas and thoughts. Thank you.
  14. Zonal

    My Grow Buddy

    Hello all you fellow growers. My question is: Has anyone used the My Grow Buddy grow cab and how did they improve it? Would like your imput.
  15. Zonal

    First Time Grow White Widow

    Hello all you growers. I am posting some pics of my WW in the 5th week of flowering. I would like some comments on how they look and how much longer they might take to get to harvest. I use CalMag, Flora Bloom, Flora Micro with T5 lights. I will be interested in what you think...
  16. Zonal

    First Time Grow White Widow

    Update, 3 males removed. 2 ladies left to flourish.
  17. Zonal

    First Time Grow White Widow

    Thank you Coho!
  18. Zonal

    First Time Grow White Widow

    Hello all. Here is an update on my first grow of WW. 3rd week flower. I think I have two females for sure, will wait on other three. Any advice, comments or suggestions welcomed!
  19. Zonal

    Comments more than welcomed.

    Sandiegojack2, 41x28x18 cab; 6 gal rez; T5 4lights 2 white, 2 Red; 200 GPH h20 pump; 80mm intake fan. 5 White Widow plants. Yield not overly important. Personal use. Not Scrog. Lolly popped them, but they grow so fast! This is week two of 12/12 . Use Flora Micro and Flora Bloom. Not sure...
  20. Zonal

    Re: Bag seed grow - Flowering stage

    Nice looking grow!