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  1. S

    600W vs 400W in tent

    Thanks a lot for good answers. most helpful! going to buy the 600w:)
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    600W vs 400W in tent

    Hello all=) Going to buy new lightning for my tent and i wonder what is most suitable 400W or 600W? Measures: 150 x 150 x 200 cm Link to tent: Personally I think 400W is more than enough;) The heat is already...
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    16 days into flower and no signs

    Thanks a lot for answers all :) It no chance for light leaks as i use tents. I guess i just was a little unpatient^^ They are showing signs today! 19 days into:p Going to use a combo of led and hps from now on:leaf:
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    16 days into flower and no signs

    Hello my fellow growers;) Have been growing for 2 years but this is my first LED/hydrophonics grow, I em AMAZED how fast everything is growing in hydrophonics VS soil! But this is also my first LED grow and I heard from a friend later that some leds does not activate the flower. I told him...
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    seeds halfway into flower

    Nice, thanks for answer :-P
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    seeds halfway into flower

    :wall: I got seeds 4-5 weeks into flower. Best to cut theme now or wait`? do they loose thc?
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    3 day blackout during flowering

    Shiit for 3 days? u need to puff less and take more care of the plants^^ bongsmilie
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    Newbie Approaching Harvest ?

    Looks really nice! The two weeks from 4-6 weeks have ALOT to say, u should have a nice yield on that one ;) Youtube flowering 4 weeks and 6 weeks and see the difference urself;) Have fun smoking it ;D :bigjoint: Lool a little high, forgot the question. i useally harvest when the tricomes are...
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    Ak-47 stunted growth help *Pic*

    Almost agree with DoctaGreen ;) maybe 2 OK sized blunts hehe.. looks potent thou! ^^
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    Jiffy transplant

    Hey! I have used theme before, i think you can put theme with the jiffy pots on. But i took it of to be sure ;) so if u dont got too many plants i recommends taking it off. I got good results when i started with jiffy p :) Best of luck! :bigjoint:
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    The power whent out for a short time

    Thanks all =) feel mutch better now ^^
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    The power whent out for a short time

    Hi all :) Was in my growroom and puting on another lamp then the power whent out and it was totaly dark for ca 5 min. Does this effect the plants? it was offc during the time the lights where on. my 6 girls are looking fiiine hehe :eyesmoke: Thanks for answers ;D bongsmilie
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    Any way to see if there is growing seeds instead of ordinary bud?

    Hey fellow growers/smokers =) I have a few nice girls. The other day i spotted that one of the bitches was a hermie!! killed it ofc.. One of those damn bananas manage to open itself when i moved the plant and some pollen come out, it was from one of the lower branches and it looked like most...
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    i got bannans on my female plant, and its not hermie WTF??

    I just did a prayer to Ganja God that it dint fuck up my sexy girls hehe.. Anyway dude i did a little more seaching and fout a guy saying this: There are two kinds of Hermaphrodite cannabis plants. True hermies or banana hermies. A true hermie will show male and female preflowers at the...
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    i got bannans on my female plant, and its not hermie WTF??

    The strange this was that it was only 1 small sack with bannas on one of the lower buds, and the other times i got hermies there have always been a yellow dot in the middle of the main cola thats supposed to be the FIRST sighn of a hermie. The rest of the plant looks great with small withe buds...
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    i got bannans on my female plant, and its not hermie WTF??

    hey all! I really hope someone can help me out here. I got 4 plants and they are all female, but today i spotted a "bannana" on one of the lower brances and when i toucht the plant I swar it come pollen out of it :-( Its no sighns of a hermie or anything, acctuly one of the finest female plants...