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  1. F

    are my pots too small??

    hey just wondering if my pots are too small. gatorade bottle there to give u scale.
  2. F

    drooping plant

    i usually water whenever the top 2 inches or so is dry. although on plant did have a bit less soil at one point so im thinking it could have been overwater. so should i go get new pots or no??
  3. F

    automatic watering??

    anyone heard of aqua globes?
  4. F

    drooping plant

    really? think i should transplant?? im going into flower in a week.
  5. F

    automatic watering??

    anyone every heard of those aqua globe things? glass blown things u fill with water and stick down into the root system?? any good?
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    drooping plant

    hey everyone, first time grow plants are going on 4 weeks old sitting under 400WHPS in 8sq foot closet. as you can see in pics one plant is doing very well while the one on the right is drooping alot and lacking growth. anyone have ne ideas as to the cause?
  7. F

    drooping leaves

    hey everyone, growing 2 ak47s under a 400W HPS in an 8sq foot closet. plants are about 4 weeks into vegging. im noticing that on one plant some of the large fan leaves have purple stems and seem to be drooping alot. what could be the problem?
  8. F

    automatic watering??

    hey all, going away over the christmas break and will only b able to check plants about every week. anyone have some good suggestions for automatic watering?? i dont want to go out and spend like 100 bucks on some super system. just a simple sultion. home made or from a store. thanks
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    Time Constraint

    hoping to be able to harvest by christmas. have to leave school. just beginning 12/12 cycle with 400W HPS in a 2x4 foot closet. what kind of yeild should i expect from each plant with 5 weeks of flower?
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    should i begin flowering AK47s??

    i would but im kinda screwed for time i have to be done by chirstmas
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    should i begin flowering AK47s??

    - well what kind of info do u need? they r 2 AK47S growing under 400w HPS light. been vegging for 3 and a half weeks. im moving to 12/12 cycle tomorrow by reducing light 1 hour per day. anything else you need to know? i just want to know what to expect in the way of yeild
  12. F

    should i begin flowering AK47s??

    these plants have been vegging for about 3 weeks and are just over a foot tall. im on a time constraint as i have to harvest just before christmas. if i begin the 12/12 cycle now what kind of yeild would i be looking at??
  13. F

    should i begin flowering AK47s??

    yea cant, at school, cant water and watch them once i go. but if i did flower them for 5 weeks what do u think id get out of them
  14. F

    should i begin flowering AK47s??

    yea i know it wnt be done but think i can still get a good amount of bud?
  15. F

    should i begin flowering AK47s??

    ive had these 2 ak47s vegging for about 3 and a half weeks under a 400W HPS and are just over a foot tall. im on a tight schedule and am looking to get max yeild out before christmas. should i begin to convert to the 12/12 cycle now? and if so what kind of yeild would i be looking at??