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  1. A

    New Here!

    Hey guys I am quite new too smoking and live in AUS I am really wanting too try some Psych drugs as I find them amazing and also where is the like button?
  2. A

    Will 175 or 150 ug get me done?

    Yeah man Bluesfest is amazing! I am hoping too go one year as it is just a big ass drug fest basically haha and its just a fun party too meet like minded people!
  3. A

    Will 175 or 150 ug get me done?

    Yeah man me and my mate aren't the type to dip our toes in beforehand we are the type to just cannonball in haha so yeah 200+ is good i'm guessing? Thats some very real shit your speaking there bro! Holy Shit!!! That looks like it would be awesome too go to but yeah I need the funds first...
  4. A

    Will 175 or 150 ug get me done?

    Hey guys I am thinking of buying some LSD blotters off of The Deep and am doing it with a mate so I am wondering since we both havent done any psychs before will 150 or 200ug get us to a good level orr should I go higher?